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Mexico May 1, 2009 In pictures: May Day protests

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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-01-09 06:08 PM
Original message
Mexico May 1, 2009 In pictures: May Day protests
Edited on Fri May-01-09 06:12 PM by seemslikeadream

Getty Images 6 hours ago
A senior citizen holds in place his face mask at Alameda Square in Mexico City on May 1, 2009. Few people can be seen in the almost empty capital due to the outbreak of the influenza A (H1N1) (swine flu) virus and the forced vacations between the 1st and 5th of May. Mexicans on Friday holed up at home for a five-day nationwide shutdown aimed at containing a flu epidemic which their government now said appeared to be "not so aggressive" as initially feared.

Getty Images 50 minutes ago
A health worker wearing protective clothing sits in the Metropark hotel in Wanchai, on May 2, 2009. At another nearby hotel, a guest reportedly from Mexico was diagnosed as suffering from swine flu at the Metropark hotel, its Chief Executive Donald Tsang said. Officials have ordered a week-long quarantine there, and have begun tracking down his recent contacts.

Reuters Pictures 2 hours ago
Police officers wear surgical masks as they carry barricades in Mexico City's main square Zocalo May 1, 2009. Mexican President Felipe Calderon has asked Mexicans to stay home from May 1 to 5 and ordered them to cancel May Day parades and religious processions to help slow the spread of influenza A (H1N1), formerly referred to as swine flu.

Reuters Pictures 3 hours ago
Police wear surgical masks as they stand guard outside Mexico City's Reclusorio Norte jail where family members of inmates are demanding information on their relatives May 1, 2009. The government has restricted visits to the jail since the outbreak of influenza A (H1N1), formerly referred to as swine flu.

Reuters Pictures 3 hours ago
Protesters push against a barricade guarded by police on Mexico City's Zocalo square May 1, 2009. Mexican President Felipe Calderon has asked Mexicans to stay home from May 1 to 5 and ordered to cancel May Day parades and religious processions to help slow the spread of influenza A (H1N1), formerly referred to as swine flu.

Getty Images 4 hours ago
Handout picture released by the Mexican Health Ministry (SSA) showing the Mexican Army personnel carrying medical supplies sent from China May 1, 2009 in Mexico City .Mexico on Friday received a planeload of medical supplies valued at three million dollars sent from China to help the Latin American nation tackle its flu crisis, President Felipe Calderon said.

AP Photo 8 hours ago
Medics work wearing protective gear as a sick child is carried by her mother in the emergency area where people with swine flu-like symptoms are checked at the naval hospital in Mexico City, Friday May 1, 2009.
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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-01-09 06:10 PM
Response to Original message
1. In pic #5, do you know what the people are protesting against? nt
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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-01-09 06:18 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks for asking I added a link
May Day protests around the world today, probably but I am checking further
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EmeraldCityGrl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-01-09 06:18 PM
Response to Original message
3. The baby in the last pic looks so sick. Hope she's ok...n/t
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tnlefty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-01-09 06:24 PM
Response to Original message
4. The gent in the first pic appears sad and tired to me and the
baby looks really sick.:-(
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