Title says Whitehouse.GOV backs down, not White House backs down - hold your fire until you read, please for the love of god.
A subtle but substantive change in the president's position on "don't ask don't tell" was noticed today by our watchful eye-on-the-administration tool, ChangeTracker <1>. An edit to the civil rights issues page <2> tells the tale.
http://versionista.com/pub/15881/1/12/7:6/Previously, the message was clear. As of two days ago, whitehouse.gov said, "We need to repeal the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy." The new version of the page says that the president "supports changing Don't Ask Don't Tell in a sensible way that strengthens our armed forces and our national security."
In January, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was asked, "Is the new administration going to get rid of the 'don't ask don't tell' policy?" Gibbs proudly gave a one-word answer <3>, "Yes.”
In March, Defense Secretary Robert Gates seemed to back away from that stance <4>. When asked by Fox News about "don't ask don't tell," he said, "I feel like we've got a lot on our plates right now."
The latest changes on whitehouse.gov seem to further that hedge -- and make it the White House position.
We've called the White House for their comment and will update you on their response.
http://www.propublica.org/article/whitehouse.gov-backs-down-on-repeal-of-dont-ask-dont-tell-501#10387Also, if you're not familiar with the Change tracker, its pretty handy:
And, if you're wondering what the heck ChangeTracker is, well, it's a handy tool we’ve built <5> to track changes on administration Web sites. You can also get ChangeTracker updates via daily e-mail <1>, or RSS <6>. You can also build your own tracker <5> to keep an eye on any Web site you like. It's easy <5>. Please, please,
please try not to post some knee-jerk flame response. It's not a "hit" piece. I have no idea if this change means anything at all. It might not mean any change in administration policy on this issue at all. But it is a change. A question for discussion is, "why did this change get made?" The very fact that someone went to the effort to change it is interesting to me. I don't know what it means, but its information that I for one like to follow.