Rushing a beach on D-Day.
They died to keep us free - not just from Nazis, but from anyone who would remove our freedoms and right to live our lives as we see fit.
A massive effort to protect us.
And now it seems to have been wasted, as those in power in business have used that freedom and their lobbying powers to do what no enemy has ever been able to do.
Screw over and control the average American to a point that we exist for them - our resources, from natural ones to our time spent employed with them, have become a commodity they control for their own personal benefit. And if we demand/need more, they just take all that we have invested with them and move it somewhere else where they can find near slave wages.
We the people have become expendable for something called money. We have been told 'they' are too big to fail, while we are told we are too small to matter and that we are the problem.
Those brave souls dying in wars were not there to protect big corporations, they were doing so for each of us as individuals. They believed in freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
They died so that we would not fall to those who wanted to thwart those things for their own personal gain.
Sad that we have, in the end, given up those things to others. Workers are used and discarded, all in the name of pure profit - because that is all that seems to matter to anyone.
And when those big companies get into a bind they come running to us, and we give them what they need to keep going. And yet when we ask them for the same, we are pushed aside because our lives are not as important as profit. We are reduced to a credit score, we are looked over and if we are not worthy we are given nothing.
Somewhere along the line the people we most feared became the ones who run the show.
Protect the investor, screw the worker.
Well those folks working for you ARE investing in you. Day in and out.
What about them?