I would think that if Marcy gets through to win the primary, she'd be in pretty good shape to win the mostly Democratic district over any Republican now.
I think a lot's changed since Marcy faced her last time in 2006, and though this AIPAC scandal is getting heavy efforts by both congress and the M$M to cover it up, there's enough about Harman out there to create a lot of doubt about her staying in office if enough people hear about it. Moveon.org and other groups that are targeting house and senate members might be of help this time around. In fact this might be one race where they could really point to down the road as a success if they try hard enough, and as an example of how to get more populist candidates voted in to office where they should be (the primaries). We fell a little short with getting Lieberman pushed out, but perhaps getting DINO Harman out would be an example that worked. If Harman can't win the primary, I think she'd have a harder time to pull the Lieberman "independent" stunt.
And though I agree with you, that its hard to read what really went on with the AIPAC mess that appears to be releases / leaks targeted at discrediting her, I think there's enough other information out there that already does discredit her as a friend to progressive mainstream Democrats, that don't really make her a sympathetic figure.
Sometimes the mafia has turf wars and they go after each other, and sometimes save law enforcement from having to use their resources to prosecute/imprison the guilty when the turf wars take care of that job. I don't think it's a matter of her necessarily getting a "bum deal". I think if she's hanging out with the likes of Gonzo and the Bush administration on wiretapping crap, she deserves to be called out as a representative of us, whether or not she tweaked Porter Goss on torture enough to get him to go after her.
An example of this is bill HR1955 (Violent and Radicalization Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act). That alone has me wanting to see her be pushed out of office.
"Washington You're Fired" clip:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Op3x154z2Ihttp://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h110-1955http://www.aclu.org/safefree/general/32886prs20071128.htmlhttp://www.hartfordadvocate.com/article.cfm?aid=5068http://www.antiwar.com/paul/?articleid=12015It's too bad they let the AIPAC spies off the hook in the courts the other day. I think its likely because there are so many that could get their names sullied with AIPAC stains that they probably all want to sweep it under the carpet.
And though she only got 37% or so when she ran, she faced a well financed incumbent machine that Harman had then, that had no big stains on her reputation (even if she was more conservative than some folks liked then). It is like the difference between when Francine Busby ran against Duke Cunningham before his scandal and conviction, and her running for the seat again agsinst Brian Bilbray in the following special election, where she made up a LOT of ground and almost pulled off a win against Bilbray in a historically Republican "lock" district. I think in many ways Marcy's road is less challenging than Busby's was.
I say go Marcy go! Take advantage of having run in this district before, and showing that you cared enough to work for them even before this controversy happened. I think residents will appreciate that sort of basis, that other candidates that might come in to run that could be viewed as "opportunists" might have running in the same primary.