US families rely on handouts in world's richest country
Working parents feed their children in soup kitchens as cost of living soars
Chris McGreal in Gassaway, West Virginia
The Guardian, Friday 1 May 2009

Food bank employees in Gassaway, West Virginia. Photograph: Kevin Lorenzi/Rapport
Each Friday, teachers in elementary schools in a corner of the richest country in the world quietly slip packs of peanut butter, fruit and granola bars into some pupils' bags - enough food to get them through the weekend before school dinners resume on Monday.
Not a word is said to the pupils or their parents because, even as the number of families in West Virginia dependent on food handouts continues to rise, many are ashamed to admit to their friends and neighbours that they need help.
"The teachers spot the children they think aren't getting enough to eat at home, those from families they know are having difficulties," said Carla Nardella, who heads the state's main food bank which distributes free boxes of groceries and supplies soup kitchens in West Virginia.
"These are proud people, so the teachers do it discreetly. We call them backpack snack packs, and started distributing them this year to give extra food to children because the situation is getting more difficult.
"We've begun with 400 children. It's our hope that one day there will be a programme like this in every school in West Virginia, because there are children in every school who need help. It's so hard seeing children go hungry."
It is not just the children. One in six of West Virginia's 1.8 million people receive government food stamps - one of the highest rates in the country - and the total is rising by the week.