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Frank Rich: Enough With the 100 Days Already

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n2doc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-02-09 08:24 PM
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Frank Rich: Enough With the 100 Days Already
Published: May 2, 2009

BELIEVE it or not, there are Americans who have a “very negative” opinion of Barack Obama (13 percent, in the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll). Some are even angry at him (10 percent, New York Times/CBS News). As the First 100 Days hoopla started to jump the shark last week, I tried, as an experiment in empathy, to see the world through their eyes.

It was difficult at first, but an interview with the official White House photographer, Pete Souza, on CNN, pushed me over the edge. Souza was showing all those beguiling behind-the-scenes pictures that, though government issued, were more or less passed off as journalism by virtually every news outlet in the land.

Inevitably we got to The Dog. “I want to show this picture because I find this to be a fascinating picture,” said the CNN anchor John King, who found almost every picture fascinating. “The president running down the hall with his new jogging partner there, Bo.” What, he asked Souza, is it like “to add this to the diversity of your work at the White House?”

I’ll leave the photographer’s answer to your imagination. But for a second, anyway, I could imagine what it’s like to be among the Limbaugh-Cheney deadenders who loathe Obama. Those who feel the whole world is against them. Those who think the press corps is in the tank. Those so sickened by the fawning that they’d throw a brick through the television screen if the Bush-Cheney economy had left them with enough money to buy a new set.

But only for a second. I confess to being among the 81 percent (per Wall Street Journal/NBC) who like the guy. And I share the belief of nearly two-thirds of the American people (per every poll) that he has made an impressive start. The new president is largely doing what he promised, and he is doing it with the focus, brainpower and preternaturally calm temperament that kept his campaign on track even as the political press dismissed him as a hope-mongering naif next to the supposedly far more organized and more moneyed Hillary.

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Political Heretic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-02-09 08:36 PM
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1. The media isn't "fawning all over him" becuase its him. They're doing it because:
It sells.

Cable News is in the business of selling infotainment. They sell a product, they're not providing anyone with some journalistic service.

When Bush was popular = fawining.
When he was unpopular = criticism.
When Obama is popular = fawning
When he is unpopular (or threatening) = criticism.

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Pirate Smile Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-02-09 08:58 PM
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2. After reading Rich's columns lately, I don't think he has to try all that hard to put himself in the
place of the Obama haters.
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