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$9,500 horse wins Kentucky Derby

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boomerbust Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 05:56 AM
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$9,500 horse wins Kentucky Derby
At 50-1, longshot Mine That Bird cruised to a 10 length victory in the 135th running of the Kentucky Derby. Second biggest longshot in Derby history. Mine That Bird sent 2 million dollar purchase, Desert Party, owned by The Prince of Dubai, back to the Middle East with his tail between his legs. Payed $102.70 on a $2 bet. Mine Thay Bird was purchased by his owner for $9,500 two years ago.
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Hannah Bell Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 05:59 AM
Response to Original message
1. $400,000 horse. owned by an oil family. the feel-good story = pr.
only the jockey is rags to riches.
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bread_and_roses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 06:51 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. The less than $10,000 price was as a yearling
Edited on Sun May-03-09 06:53 AM by bread_and_roses
And to compare, Dunkirk, I think it was, went for something like 3.2 million as a yearling. The Sheiks pay gazillions for yearlings regularly, and it can cost $100,000 just to mate with some stallions, so it does mean something in the horse world. I read the $400,000 figure late last night and it did take a little glow off my gloat. However, the trainer was treated like he was a joke by a snide interviewer on the famous walk over, and is definitely low-rent; as well as the unpretentious Borel being willing to get on a "no-hoper" despite being a famous and accomplished jock makes it still a good story.
(edit cause I somehow lost my subject line)
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Hannah Bell Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 02:52 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. sure, low rent in comparison to the whitney crowd. but not in comparison to 95%
of the electorate.
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bread_and_roses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 03:35 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. I don't know what the trainer's annual income is -
but judging from his win record over the past year (1 before Derby) I doubt that he's in the upper 5%. Lots of near-poor in racing, as well as the Oligarchs. Lots of abusive labor practices. Lots of animal abuse as well. Don't get me wrong - I follow the sport against my will, dripping with elitism as it is - I just can't resist the horses. The sport itself is an anachronism, and a showcase for almost every ill typical of our Corpocrat, Profiteering system. Which is why it is satisfying to see a mocked trainer and a homely little horse from NM win.
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Hannah Bell Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 04:02 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. I'm talking about the horse's OWNERS. If they're bribing reps, yep, they're in the top 5%.
Horse owned by family of former Veco boss Bill Allen wins Derby
By Dermot Cole

"Mine That Bird," a 50-1 longshot owned by the family of Bill Allen, the former head of Veco, won the Kentucky Derby today.

The immediate question is whether Allen, who has been convicted in the Alaska corruption investigation, but is not in jail, was in attendance.

"If Bill Allen was at the Kentucky Derby today there ought to be an outcry by Alaskans for the feds to put him in jail," said Fairbanks Rep. Jay Ramras.

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Hannah Bell Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 05:11 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. VECO Corporation
"VECO Corporation was an Alaska-based oil pipeline service and construction company until its purchase in September 2007 by CH2M HILL. As of that date, the VECO Corporation ceased to exist. Founded in 1968, the company grew to become a major player in the Alaskan oil industries' support. VECO also was a worldwide player in the oil industry, having divisions in many major oil markets."

VECO was responsible for large parts of the Exxon Valdez spill's clean up, hiring 2,500 workers to clean up the environmental disaster.

On August 31, 2006 officers with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service raided the offices of several prominent members of the Alaska Legislature. Raided were the offices of Sen. John Cowdery (R-Anchorage), Senate President Ben Stevens (R-Anchorage), Rep. Vic Kohring (R-Wasilla), Rep. Bruce Weyhrauch (R-Juneau), Sen Don Olson (D-Nome), and Rep. Pete Kott (R-Eagle River). The investigation involves allegations of illegal gifts to law makers from VECO. <3>

Sarah Palin is another Alaskan politician that received campaign support from VECO...

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bread_and_roses Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 05:15 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. We're at cross-purposes, then, I'm talking about the trainer - the owners are no gems
As I found out late last night or early this AM - one bought the horse with the $30 Mil he got from Daddy's Company, which seems to have been something to do with Alaska oil, not to mention Alaskan bribes. Sorry, I didn't realize we were not on the same track, to make a bad pun - in my first reply to you, I noted that the owners tale did "did take a little glow off my gloat."

However, it is the scorned horse aspect that most interests me anyway. The TB snobs were the same with Funny Cide, considering a "New York gelding" and his un-famous trainer way too "common" to warrant their notice.
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KewlKat Donating Member (867 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 06:07 AM
Response to Original message
2. This source says owners paid $400,000
Source: Anchorage Daily News

"Mark Allen's Double Eagle Ranch of Roswell, N.M., has a number of race horses, including a stud once partly owned by former Sen. Ted Stevens, So Long Birdie. Mark Allen and a business partner in New Mexico bought Mine That Bird, a two-year-old relative of So Long Birdie, for $400,000 last year.

Read more:

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HelenWheels Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 08:34 AM
Response to Original message
4. Love it
that the Dubai sheik didn't win and that Ted Stevens sold out so cheaply.
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greenbriar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-03-09 03:56 PM
Response to Original message
7. dang, had we been at our hometown track that simulcasted, we would have put that 2 buck bet
as we always wait until the last minute and bet a 2 buck bet on the longshots

man would have been SWEET

did you see what the trifecta paid?
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