pay discrimination.
Employer Provided(?) Health insurance is the last resort of the executive class to keep the population indentured. As long as insurance is unavailable outside a set of groups, working class people will be (very) less likely to look for other employment. I have come across many instances in my life where people absolutely refuse to leave a bad situation for fear of losing that benefit. Even being thought to look for other employment may bring the "eye" of the HR dept upon you.
I suspect that the fear of going without insurance is particularly worrisome to single moms; last on that list is young single males. So, employers that are large enough to provide health insurance are able to keep a large segment of their workforce present by putting the health insurance carrot (and stick) before the employees. Since males are less likely to view the lack of health insurance as a life threatening issue they have to be enticed with money and perks; hence, pay discrimination.
What do you think?