a snap shot of middletown,ohio.
I - Middletown's wonderful school system keeps asking for more and more money. They got a huge tax lift a few years back and spent it all tearing down still usable schools and rebuilding new ones. Didn't seem like they focused much on it's consistently poor test scores, among the lowest in the state only beaten by inner city districts. Nor did they seem to focus much on the extremely low wages they pay teachers in our district in comparison to others, which is part of the reason why are scores are so low. Which brings me to point two.
II- With only %12.2 of Middletownians having a bachelors degree or better careers involving higher education are not being drawn to town. This means much needed tax money is not going into town for it's public services (which explains their lack of police enforcement and high crime). They rely on the AK for most all of their taxes and income, which brings me to point three.
III- AK is a dying whore. Take a look at a graph of their stock portfolio, it has plummeted like a nosediving plane. Chrysler and GM are falling apart and their biggest supplier is steel. Not only that but the Chinese are now producing more steel than us and selling even in America at %66 of the price that we do (most goes to Japanese cars that have kicked our ass in the market). People at AK, Middletown, and America are going to have to come to the realization that the second-world nations have caught up to us in leaps and bounds in the industrial market. If things maintain current trends AK Steel will be a ghost town within 2 years and will take the whole city with it. ALL of Middletown's eggs are in one basket and the eggs are rotting
IV- The poverty level in 2007 jumped from %12 to a whopping %22 in just one years time, largely due to the lock-out. The median income is only $37,000 a year, amongst the lowest in the nation.
V- Unless you're just totally stupid or ignorant you must be aware of the drug crisis that is eating the city alive from the inside. Crack, heroine, oxy's, and about any other drug are easily obtainable in the Shitty-middie. Almost all my old friends from high school that still leve around here are either hard drug addicts or were working there way up to it.