I am still shocked that the Obama adminstration could implement a plan that basically pillages the American taxpayer, in return for little to no relief. Trillions were given to save AIG, big banking (which is now using our money to buy up smaller banks, so we will have even less choice). This plan was never about rescuing the American economy. It was about rescuing a bankrupt (ethically & finanicially) unsustainable system. It was about maintaining the greatest wealth imbalance in our population since the days of the robber barons. And, the really tragic thing is that NOTHING is really fixed. Geithner's plan (which is always, always, always in the end, OBAMA's PLAN), it was nothing more then the same trash for crash bailout that the entire country rallied against under Bush.
Think about the effects of the economy, if the administration had decided to do the following: Cut everyone's mortgage rate to 5% with no closing costs.
Place a 10% cap on credit card interest and a 5% interest rate maximum on all card holders in good standing
Highly regulate banking fees so that fees are only assessed on bounced checks. Other fees such as ATM fees, pay by phone fees, and other fees that do not involve a transgression on the part of the banking customer are reduced to less the 1.00.
I am sure you can think of many, many more. Just imagine the amount of money that would be infused into the economy by reducing interest rates on mortgage & credit cards alone. It would add up to hundreds, and in some cases, THOUSANDS per HOUSEHOLD, per MONTH.
And, can you only imagine how the economy would heal if we actually implemented a Single Payer Health Care system, instead of trying to bend over backwards to keep the health insurance middlemen sucking the life blood of money & people out of the system.
Sure, Wall Street is dancing a jig right now. Why the hell shouldn't it be? We just borrowed trillions to let them continue their game for a little longer, and put off the true crash just a short while more.