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Clergy to lobby on hill for gay rights....

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polmaven Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 12:34 PM
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Clergy to lobby on hill for gay rights....

The U.S. Episcopal Church's first openly gay bishop is among hundreds of clergy members urging Congress to support gay rights, including the passage of an expanded hate crimes bill that would give gay victims of violence new federal protections.

Bishop V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire and more than 300 clergy of various faiths plan to spend Tuesday on Capitol Hill lobbying lawmakers to push through a bill that broadens the definition of hate crimes to include those motivated by a person's sexual orientation, gender identity and disability. The legislation was passed by the House last week.

Clergy also will push for legislation providing protections against workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

I hope this will get some attention in the MSM. I would love to see this more well covered.
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anonymous171 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 12:36 PM
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1. I can't wait for the GOP to start crying about the Separation of Church and State.
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Ocracoker16 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 01:06 PM
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2. Way to go Gene Robinson and clergy
I am so pleased that you feel so strongly about gay rights that you decided to travel to DC to lobby lawmakers. You make me proud, because you could be just making a few phone calls about this, but you have chosen a far more assertive approach that will make a much greater impact.
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