But one thing to keep in mind is that all through the Bush years, the cost of prosecuting the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions and occupations was kept "off budget" and these colossal expenses were funded through supplemental appropriations. With the new administration, in order to present a fairer picture of the actual outlays by the government, Obama included the costs of Iraq and Afghanistan in the federal budget. So just be aware that when you locate some numbers, you are probably going to be looking at and comparing apples and oranges.
The $10 trillion number comes from the same place as the Republican numbers for Social Security outlays. Which is to say, Fantasyland. When Bush wanted to reform Social Security in 2005, his mouthpieces all used some fantastic number like $75 trillion dollars as an unfunded mandate. Reporters, being the numerically illiterate bunch that they are, generally repeated the number without inquiring where the hell it came from. It came from an estimate of Social Security outlays basically to the end of time, without reckoning that any current recipients would ever die and that all current contributors to the system would start receiving full benefits at age 62.
As for your correspondents on the other board, the short, correct response is to their $10 trillion number is, as usual, "Prove it." Where did they get that number? What does it represent? Is that a one-year outlay (unlikely), or the cumulative cost over a decade for something or other? If you proceed from the premise that they're lying and every word of their posts has to be independently verified (including the words "the" and "and"), you'll be way ahead of the game.