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Prop 8 ruling by California Supreme Court by June 3rd.

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tjwash Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 03:37 PM
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Prop 8 ruling by California Supreme Court by June 3rd.
The one thing that I have NEVER supported about life in Cali, is the way the anything goes if you have the money, and absolutely anything at all, can get on the ballot for an up and down vote to the general public, provided you have enough signatures. And yes, as it has been painfully proven here, time and time again, one should never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups, or as Gene Wilder in Blazing saddles so eloquently put--"you know; morons!"

For those that don't already know, or have never lived here...This state is largely conservative and very far right-Christian (despite what the faux-noise machine keeps screaming); and woe be to anyone who ever forgets that. I've lived here all my life, and the suburbs teem with ignorant fucks who never miss a chance to vote on stuff like this. The pockets of sanity here, are so much smaller than you want to believe, and the only place they really exist are in the imagination.

If one had the money, time, sociopathic tendencies, and complete lack of any morals; they could theoretically put a proposition on the ballot here, that proposes a ban interracial marriage in California. Seriously. If you get 800000 verifiable signatures on a bunch of petitions, and spend the money to officially file it with the state, it would actually get put on the fucking ballot in the next election. If you are REALLY wealthy and wanted it pushed through, then we would have a "special election" for it.

Prop 8 SHOULD be rejected by the courts, in exactly the same way that it should be, if the CSC was voting on a proposition to ban interracial marriage. It is a basic right for all human beings. One the major principles of the US Constitution, and the reason that it was written in the first place, amended time and time again, and constantly scrutinized and debated, is to protect the minority FROM the bigotry and ignorance of the majority. Our laws are not based on majority opinion, they are based on a set of rights and privileges explained for the benefit of all persons. To deny those does a gross disservice of all people in this country of ours, and puts us on the same level as Nigeria, China, or North Korea.

sorry about the :rant: it fucking sucks living here sometimes.


Is Proposition 8 Toast?

Given recent developments concerning marriage equality, is it now likely that the California Supreme Court will invalidate Proposition 8? The hotly contested 'amendment' to the California Constitution removed the existing rights for same sex couples to marry in California when it passed in November. A recent blog posting by Kate Kendell, Executive Director of the Center for Lesbian Rights, noted that she now thought a ruling invalidating Proposition 8 is now more plausible than one upholding it. The ruling on the validity of the measure is due from the California Supreme Court by June 3. It's also interesting to note that the one year anniversary for the prior court decision that allowed same sex couples to marry legally is approaching on May 15. Could the Court use that anniversary to affirm the Constitution's promise of equal protection of all citizens?

This is a tremendously important case that has implications for all Americans. It is the first time in our country's history in which the existing rights of a minority were stripped using a state constitution amendment. Constitutions historically were intended to protect rights, not eliminate them. The use of an initiative constitutional amendment to overrule a previous court's ruling should be distressing to all Americans.

California's embarrassing taint.

Let's put an end to the Miss California controversy. Yes, the remark was idiotic, but what do you expect? People seem to have forgotten that the Miss USA is just a family version of Playboy's Playmate of the Year.

Let's talk about something that really matters. Despite the fact that 7,001,084 homophobes voted in its favor, Proposition 8 must be repealed. Sure, it passed with a majority support, but there is a reason why we have a system of checks and balances.

When the California Supreme Court ruled that Proposition 22 (passed in 2000) was unconstitutional, it was because the judges understood that such a stance was illegal under not just the constitution of California but of the United States.

Courage Campaign, leading activists made it clear that they're in the beginning stages of a campaign to overturn Proposition 8 at the ballot.

Rick Jacobs, founder and chair of the Courage Campaign, expanded on Osborn's message, saying on the Unite the Fight blog that his group is planning in advance of the California supreme court decision that will either uphold or overturn Prop. 8, the constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in the state.

"At Camp Courage Oakland over the weekend, Courage Campaign staff conducted a series of conversations with various marriage-equality activists, progressive organizers, and grassroots leaders," wrote Jacobs. "As Torie Osborn's closing speech demonstrated, the consensus was clear: We are ready to go back to the ballot in 2010, assuming the supreme court rules to uphold Prop. 8. But before we can make the ultimate decision to support an actual ballot initiative, the Courage Campaign needs to survey our members and consult with our allies in the polling group formed by several organizations a few weeks ago. Based on a vote of our members, we will move forward on a decision along with our partners in the marriage-equality movement."

'The Right Time Is Now,' Says San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom.

Although a final decision on timing will not be made until next month, gay marriage backers are adamant that the next campaign be different from last year's "No on Prop. 8" campaign.

"People are not going to let the people who ran the last campaign run this campaign," Jacobs said.

To address voter concerns about the impact that state-sanctioned gay marriage could have on religious institutions, the Courage Campaign is considering possible ballot language that would guarantee the right of any two unrelated consenting adults to marry, while simultaneously stating that churches have a right to decide for themselves whom to marry.

"In order to win, we have to remove fear because that's all the other side has left," Jacobs said.

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billyoc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 03:40 PM
Response to Original message
1. That Prop Hate is some shamely shit.
An up or down vote on civil rights. Great. :eyes:
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 03:40 PM
Response to Original message
2. Well, you're right. I still remember when Will Mays was run out of his
San Francisco home for marrying a white woman. It wasn't that long ago.

And that garage the Woz tinkered around in was in a segregated town. It wasn't that long ago.

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valerief Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 03:52 PM
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3. Don't these countries have single payer health care?
puts us on the same level as Nigeria, China, or North Korea.
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-05-09 03:53 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. The Pentacostal movement started in Southern California
in the wake of the 1906 quake. We're dealing with some majorly illogical thinkers here.
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