Today Mad Max Baucus showed us what he means when he says 'single payer is off the table.' When single payer advocates politely asked for a seat at the table, where 15 insurance flunkies were waiting to testify to his Senate committee, Sen. Baucus sneered at them and told them they would get more police.
That gave all of Baucus' fellow insurance flunkies (and all the other clowns in the hearing room) a big laugh. Then Baucus hypocritically told the audience how much he respected single payer, as the police were arresting eight people who just wanted to present a point of view. I am angry about this arrogant abuse of power. If you are angry, now is your chance to tell Baucus. Call 800-578-4171, choose option 1, and connect to his office. if no one answers, it probably is because Baucus is too chicken to even listen to the angry messages.
Alternatively, call each one of his offices in Montana. Here are the phone numbers: Billings (406) 657-6790; Bozeman (406) 586-6104; Butte (406) 782-8700; Great Falls (406) 761-1574, (406) 452-1117 (TDD); Helena (406) 449-5480; Kalispell (406) 756-1150;Missoula (406) 329-3123; Washington D.C. (202) 224-2651(Office),(202) 224-9412 (Fax) Contact Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ www.1payer.net
Note: the video had Baucus stating that he respected the viewpoints of the single payer advocates. Why then did he not have any of them testify before the committee?