SICKO is on tv NOW.
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Tue May-05-09 10:43 PM
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41 minutes have been played, still worthing catchhing, it is on TMC-W.
Sorry, ya gotta hae cable to get it, I think.
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Tue May-05-09 10:57 PM
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1. Btw, Michael Moore is working on new document - the wonders of capitalism--!!! |
Think you have to have more than basic cable to get that network?
We're with Comcast at the moment and they're eliminating everything from basic --!!!
Think we're going to try Verizon --
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Tue May-05-09 11:23 PM
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2. Comcast is doing what????????!!!!! |
They are just making the basic tier go away??? So like you have to pay more to get any channels?
or what?
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Wed May-06-09 08:59 AM
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3. Not entirely . . .but they took the Senate/C-span II away almost two years ago . . . |
and one of the movie channels - some other stuff.
They've just taken one of the PBS stations and some other stuff --
And, the TCM channel goes next --
This is all on the excuse that it's about analog vs digital.
But what it amounts to is huge inconvenience and more expense for the customer.
It's like the smaller and smaller product packages -- and larger and larger packages
that on the super stores can carry. All for the convenience and profit of corporations.
We now have the choice of Verizon ... we'll try it.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:34 PM
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