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House Democrats say Terry (R-Ne) 'easy to work with'

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 05:40 AM
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House Democrats say Terry (R-Ne) 'easy to work with'

Published Tuesday May 5, 2009
House Democrats say Terry 'easy to work with'

WASHINGTON - Rep. Lee Terry, R-Neb., was named one of the easiest Republicans to work with in a survey of House Democrats conducted by The Hill, a Washington-based newspaper.

The paper reported that it asked more than 100 House members to name those in the opposite party who were the most partisan and those who were the most bipartisan.

Terry made the top 10 list of bipartisan House members and was the only one from the Midlands to be included on either list.

The Omaha congressman's selection might seem a bit puzzling. He's a pretty reliable vote for the GOP; often criticizes Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.; and famously came close to fisticuffs with Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., during an argument on the House floor.

Terry said bipartisanship is not just about how a lawmaker votes, but how he treats people. He said he has shown a willingness to sit down with Democrats, focus on policy issues and not make things personal.

"Plus, they like my sense of humor," Terry joked.

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Happyhippychick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 06:39 AM
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1. C'mon in Terry, the water is fine!
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KharmaTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 07:03 AM
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2. The Way To Play The Game...
Many of the rushpublicans in the House represent ruby red districts that expect the red meat. That's all well and good in the caucus and gets them lots of donations, but it does little when your party is in a deep hole that could get even deeper.

Unlike the Senate where we see (and many are endlessly frustrated) with rules that push for working across the aisle, the House can work for one party's favor...especially when you have a large majority. Rules make the minority all but invisible as the only way they get anything passed is either through unanimous consent (like naming a Post Office) or getting on board with a Democrat in co-sponsoring a bill. Any GOOP sponsored bill needs to pass through a Democratic-controlled committee, thus if you don't play ball, you'll end up with little to show.

Terry looks like he has bigger ambitions. He's trying to get a record he can run on and that requires getting his name on legislation and passed. Unlike a Bachmann who could never win statewide in Minnesota or a Cantor in Virginia due to their ultra partisanship, some smart rushpublicans (like a select few Democrats during the GOOP control) know that they need to look productive to move up the ladder.
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