...and we need to figure out how to create a worldwide populist alliance.
Fortunately, the internet gives us the tools we need to do just that. Although how to make it happen is a more difficult question -- as always, the technical questions are easier than the social and political questions. How to make people see where their true interests lie, and how to unite seemingly disparate groups who are divided precisely because of the divide and conquer strategies employed by Big Business and governments as well -- the global ruling elites.
Funny how the powerful ruling elites have convinced the middle classes around the world that "populist" is a dirty word -- implying the unruly mob and a threat to "order" -- as though the "order" we have now is a good one.
In the meantime, the unruly mob of wealthy elites have run us all into the ground, ignoring issues like global warming and mass starvation while promoting exploitation, over consumption and never ending war.
We need to figure out how to fight it, how to harness the vast power that truly belongs to us.