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Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Specter says Reid broke his promise

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
malaise Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:48 PM
Original message
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Specter says Reid broke his promise
'Reid assured me that I would keep my seniority'.
Seniority is for loyal Dems you scumbag.
I can't wait for Tweety to feast on this in a few minutes.
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GKirk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:50 PM
Response to Original message
1. So does any think...
...he'll move back to the other side of the aisle?
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Hepburn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:41 PM
Response to Reply #1
32. Oh, yeah, the Repiggies would just LOVE to see him get his azz whipped... Toomey in the primary.

Hello, Arlen, and welcome to NO-MAN'S LAND!

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WI_DEM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:50 PM
Response to Original message
2. What's he going to do? craw back to the GOP? they won't take him back
he's like the man without a country--he's the man without a party. Now we need to have a Dem challenge him in the primary.
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Bucky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 05:12 PM
Response to Reply #2
38. Maybe he can join the "Lieberman for Connecticut" party
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:51 PM
Response to Original message
3. Specter is complaining about someone else flipflopping.
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Duer 157099 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:51 PM
Response to Original message
4. Actually I'm shocked that Reid did this
There must be something we don't yet know or understand
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Richardo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:53 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. "There must be something we don't yet know or understand"
Edited on Wed May-06-09 03:57 PM by Richardo
That could be DU's motto. :thumbsup:
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mikelgb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:11 PM
Response to Reply #7
suggest that for the store
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kenfrequed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:27 PM
Response to Reply #7
27. oh gods
This is sooo true. There is an entire contingent here that seems to think the conserva-dems can do no wrong and whenever a bad call is made it must be some kind of strategic genius to it.

This is a simple matter really. There are liberal democrats in the Senate that recall Spectors voting record and don't want to reward his political savvy in switching out of a party that wouldn't have endorsed him. Some of the clever progressives realized that there was an excellent chance that a liberal progressive could have stormed Pennsylvania with a split unendorsed-Spector/ endorsed-conservative nutjob thing.

So they gave him a bit of payback for Machiavellian BS move.
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AnotherDreamWeaver Donating Member (917 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 05:45 PM
Response to Reply #7
41. that's a winner!
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:55 PM
Response to Reply #4
9. You realize you are believing Arlen Specter, right?
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rufus dog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:58 PM
Response to Reply #4
13. It is the Chicago Way!
My bet is he promised Obama that he will be loyal then went out and tried to fuck him. (Not by design, he is just such a self centered prick that he doesn't fully comprehend the big picture)

Fuck me! Fuck me! No FUCK YOU ARLEN!
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Tangerine LaBamba Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:03 PM
Response to Reply #13
17. Bingo ...........
His vote against the budget, his announcement that he'll continue to oppose Dawn Johnson's nomination, and that bullshit about hoping Coleman wins in Minnesota (?) just showed Obama what an opportunistic weasel Specter is, and Obama did the politically wise and expedient thing and neutered him.

The sneaky, lying fuck got what he deserved. Now, let him whine while he votes with the Republicans.

Nice to see Democrats doing it right, isn't it?
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AndyA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:07 PM
Response to Reply #4
20. I agree. Something's up. There is something going on that we don't know about.
Reid doesn't have the balls to stand up to ANYONE.

No doubt we'll find out soon enough... ;)
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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:26 PM
Response to Reply #4
26. Harry Reid Always Breaks His Public Promises
I don't know why he bothers, nor why anyone believes him about anything anymore.

He's got too many private promises to keep.
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JVS Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:51 PM
Response to Original message
5. Ha ha!
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Duer 157099 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:54 PM
Response to Reply #5
8. You forgot this
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JVS Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:55 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. Thanks
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lamp_shade Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:52 PM
Response to Original message
6. This should be good - 8 minutes to Hardball.
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eShirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:55 PM
Response to Reply #6
11. I can't wait
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ShortnFiery Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:56 PM
Response to Original message
12. I love it! For once, Reid's gutlessness plays to OUR benefit. nt
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JVS Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:02 PM
Response to Reply #12
16. I wouldn't call this gutlessness. Reid is actually standing up for himself here.
Emphasis on himself. The deal seemed more or less to be Specter was to be delivered from a repuke primary that he was destined to lose in exchange for playing some ball with senate democrats (i.e. work for Reid). Since Specter has decided to act as though he has no intention of delivering on his end, Reid is putting the screws to him.
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Tangerine LaBamba Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:04 PM
Response to Reply #12
18. Reid's just doing what he's told -
this is Rahm Emanuel and Obama, all the way.

Chicago pols at work.


I love it ....................
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malaise Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:05 PM
Response to Reply #18
19. Yep if he behaves he may get something
after 2010. O'Donnell is great as usual on Tweety.
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Tangerine LaBamba Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:10 PM
Response to Reply #19
21. The Chicago way
is to act immediately. Rahm heard this, went ballistic, told Obama, who said, "Fuck this noise," and they made a couple of phone calls.

This is beautiful. I'm feeling like I still live in Chicago .................

Somethin' in your eyes, makes me wanna lose myself
Makes me wanna lose myself, in your arms
There's somethin' in your voice, makes my heart beat fast
Hope this feeling lasts, the rest of my life

If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how long I've been so alone
And if you knew how I wanted someone to come along
And change my life the way you've done

It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I come from
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong

A window breaks, down a long, dark street
And a siren wails in the night
But I'm alright, 'cause I have you here with me
And I can almost see, through the dark there is light

Well, if you knew how much this moment means to me
And how long I've waited for your touch
And if you knew how happy you are making me
I never thought that I'd love anyone so much

It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way the back where I come from
It feels like home to me, it feels like home to me
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong
It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong

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CatWoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:13 PM
Response to Reply #18
23. bingo!!!!
Edited on Wed May-06-09 04:14 PM by CatWoman
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Zen Democrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 03:59 PM
Response to Original message
14. And Specter owes it all to his support for Abnorm Coleman!
He's trying to backtrack now -- but the deed is done.
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malaise Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:01 PM
Response to Reply #14
15. Tweety - Who's Crying Now???
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha - Go Tweety
says he has as much seniority as Burris. :rofl: :rofl:
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Are_grits_groceries Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:18 PM
Response to Original message
24. Mayhaps I'm wrong but,
it was the Senate Democrats, and not Reid who nixed Specter. I don't think they liked the idea that they were going to be pushed down the ladder by this usurper. None of them agreed to the deal and to drop to lesser levels on committees.
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Patiod Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:18 PM
Response to Original message
25. Tweety practically smacks his chops over this stuff!
And wrings his hands with delight.
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Liberal_Stalwart71 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:36 PM
Response to Reply #25
29. I can't wait to hear what Tweety has to say about this.
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cascadiance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:30 PM
Response to Original message
28. Work against single payer Specter and you have NO sympathy from us Dems!

We welcome real DEMOCRATS! Not opportunists who are short on their luck elsewhere trying to just profit for themselves!
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Lugnut Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:39 PM
Response to Original message
30. Poor Arlen.
He's everybody's punching bag these days.

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Crabby Appleton Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:40 PM
Response to Original message
31. Fuck specter. nt
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formercia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:45 PM
Response to Original message
33. Arlen is going to have a tough time thinking up questions
Being last in line to ask. No matter. Everyone will have gone home or fallen asleep by then.

Come election time, seniority won't be a draw card.
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Raine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 04:58 PM
Response to Original message
34. OK go back to the reTHUG party
Arlen and get beaten by them in the primary. :evilgrin:
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liberalmuse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 05:02 PM
Response to Original message
35. Duh? Specter should have known better.
Sen. Reid's cojones are made of Silly Putty.
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Occam Bandage Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 05:07 PM
Response to Original message
36. Guess you shouldn't have tried to walk all over Harry Reid, hmm Arlen?
Edited on Wed May-06-09 05:08 PM by Occam Bandage
Reid isn't a wuss. He's cautious, he's an insider, he's a centrist, and he cares more about preserving his majority than anything else. But he can play hardball when he has to, and Arlen spent the last week embarrassing Harry and the party. What did he expect?

I wouldn't complain too much if I were you, Arlen. That 2010 support is just as revocable as your seniority.
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Fuzz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 05:10 PM
Response to Original message
37. "I will not be a loyal Democrat" Well, then Fuck You and go home.
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many a good man Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 05:28 PM
Response to Original message
39. Time for Arlen to shuffle off to the dustbin of history n/t
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ecstatic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 05:31 PM
Response to Original message
40. He should go ahead and retire.
He is definitely confused. Rooting for Coleman? :wtf: But now who can win against Tom Ridge?
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sellitman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-06-09 08:02 PM
Response to Original message
42. Reid is a Conservative. Lying shouldn't bother him at all?
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