Edited on Wed May-06-09 09:27 PM by Duer 157099
So Dean makes what he thinks is a pretty important point, to wit, that if it can be proven that certain legal counsel (to, say, the Veep and Peep, aka Gonzo and Addlebrained) actually had conversations with, say, Yoo and Bybee prior to the writing of the "torture memos" -- then there's a case to be made for criminal conspiracy, which might have more legs than just, well, boring old torture.
He seemed to suggest that the forthcoming report (when will it be released? I suppose he meant the Senate report that was referenced today, the one that "advises" the hand slap for the authors of the memos) might have the relevent details.
Edit to clarify: I think it was a DoJ report that was being talked about today