She offered her version of the tense hours following the April 19 Miss USA pageant while appearing at the San Diego megachurch that has helped shape her views. The Rock Church, founded by former San Diego Chargers defensive back Miles McPherson, was active in the campaign to pass a constitutional ban on gay marriages in California last year. If anything, Prejean has solidified her stance in the last week. McPherson, who preaches against homosexuality, has been acting as her adviser and encouraging her to use her newfound fame to persuade other evangelical Christians to share their views, even if they are unpopular. "I learned that God has a bigger crown than any man can give you," she said.
Let’s ignore photo’s for a second. Let’s get back to the fundamental point here. Do I have to accept what someone wrote in the bible ~3000-1800 years before tradition western modern sexual roles were defined as the end all of the whole gay marriage debate? OK. Fine the Bible says gay men are bad. I guess a very narrow reading of the bible gives you that conclusion. For whatever reason I am forced to hear this very narrow view of sexuality from the bible over and over again. Just wonder why no one ever asks any of the conservative Christians why they so often use women to teach me these lessons from the Bible. I mean the bible (the new parts even, you don’t even have to dig out an odd quote from the old parts) is pretty clear on this:
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." (1 Corinthians 14:34-35)
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (1 Timothy 2:11-12) So basically (pretending to buy into the whole everything in the bible is true, non-contradictory and unerring) the bible tells me that in no way should Christian conservatives use women to teach the bible. Heck it leads me into sin just like it lead Adam. Hey what could be more clear than that? So what’s the deal here? How come McPherson here is allowed to have a grand plan like using Miss California to promote his churches evangelical Christian view, when the bible makes it perfectly clear Miss California’s views will lead me into being deceived and lead to a transgression with God? I'm pretty sure I'm suppose to want to avoid that. I mean shouldn’t in the I don’t know one million interviews on this topic, someone at least bring that up. If not to McPherson and Miss California, how about Shirley Lynn Phelps-Roper who I’ve also heard on countless talk shows and always backs her opinion up with nothing but bible passages. I guess reporters don't want to argue "faith", but then why are these people on my TV when faith is all they got to offer? So here’s the deal from now on if I have to accept all the bibles anti-gay and supposed anti-gay passages, they have to be silent and not preach the bible to me. As long as they are going to violate the clear literal message in the bible, I'm just safely going to assume the anti-gay marriage bible stuff can safely be ignored by me.
(In a side note I feel bad for Paul who almost certainly never wrote either passage and ironically who’s churches eventually were so full of women in leadership positions that Pagan’s made fun of them because of that fact)