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tivo (DVR) is a great chronicler of conflated news stories.

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Lerkfish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 12:39 PM
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tivo (DVR) is a great chronicler of conflated news stories.
If you're like me, you tape something to watch later, and sometimes forget to watch or aren't in the mood to watch it until weeks later.

so, if you do this, and the show you're watching has breakins from news about the hot stories of the day, it really helps to put into perspective that EVERY story EVERY day is treated like the end of the world, when weeks later, its completely off the radar. In fact, it looks a bit ridiculous the further from the event you watch the tivo'd program.

For example, I just watched an old show that kept getting broken in by pandemic flu hysteria.... which, by now seems a bit pre-ejaculative.

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Democrats_win Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 12:45 PM
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1. LOL. I guess it all boils down to fear of unemployment for newsmen?
You're observation is correct.
If you were a newsperson, you too would make every silly story sound urgent.

Of course it seems a little much to lead with a story about a couple being denied entrance to the prom because the guy smelled of marijuana. Yes, he smelled of mj and he had a medical card saying he needed it after a car accident. It led the local faux news in Colorado and the prom was Brighton High School's prom. No mention of the 12 trillion stolen by the banksters who are demanding that every last penny be paid by the widow down the street.

Our entire culture reeks of injustice!
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