Edited on Thu May-07-09 02:05 PM by FrenchieCat
The problem with that statement though is that financial idiots think they know stuff that they don't, and try to be flip and funny but fail.
I hope the financial idiots that might get a yuk-yuk at your post will have more constructive comments to make in reference to Obama's initiative on a Credit Card Bill, ending Offshore Tax Havens, the cram down bill (that didn't pass due to the Senatorial financial idiots), the Dodd Homeowner assistance bill w/t Kerry's tenant bill, and the financial industry regulations coming out later this year.
The stress test wouldn't have been conducted or presented if they had no merit... because even for those who would wish it was so, President Obama is nothing like President Bush...... President Obama's goal is not to fool anyone, and that will become more and more apparent even to the financial idiots as time goes on.