ok folks I hate to say this, but what you are seeing in DC is just smoke and mirrors. This is the truth most citizens of this country do not want to face. We ARE imperial citizens and what we saw over the last eight years was just nekkid imperial rule.
Nevertheless we are an Empire. So if any of you think that we will see prosecution to preserve the republic, or whatever is the noble excuse this week, that horse left the barn about 1945 time frame. And until we are no longer an empire you will see this.
This is the horrific reality, and one that most Americans do not realize. We never had this conversation. Do we want to be an Empire or not? Does not matter, this was not put for a vote. Suffice it to say that we are.
So if you expect the smoke and mirrors to lead to any kind of significant prosecution of the principals. Ain't gonna happen and yes we do have two systems of justice. One reserved for the Lindle Englands of the worlds and Sergeant Graeners of the world, and one reserved for those giving the orders. And truth be told... they are above the law.
I hope that soon people will realize that for some things Empire trumps all... no matter what party you happen to in-theory be part off.
So there you have it. And if there are prosecutions, no, not middle level will fall on their swords (Jay Bybee comes to mind, who should be impeached), but the principals, one VEEP Darth Chenney, or the rest of the crew, I will be highly surprised.
And I do hope to be wrong, but don't expect to.
Ah the joys of empire...