The thread title is a bit provocative. But hear me out.
Joe Sestak, retired Vice Admiral, is the highest ranking officer to have served in Congress. He's tough and he's confident. He comes off as no-nonsense.
And he is being cheered by many for his stand, of late, in saying he may run against party switcher Arlen. Since switching parties, Arlen has earned every bit of disdain he has gotten.
And the flip side of that is the upwelling of enthusiasm for Sestak.
I am a part of that upwelling.
The point of this thread is to do a reality check. Does everyone who is waving the Sestak banner know all there is to know about him?
What are his views? Where does he stand on ths issue or that? Where is he on the spectrum? Liberal? Conservative?
I think you'll find he stands to the right of the center of our Party and probably to the right of the center of the country. He's Democrat and has been and will likely be a supporter, generally, of the party's platform.
But he is no Anti-Specter. I think, if you assess it honestly, you'll find that he and Specter probably come out, on average, as about the same with respect to the liberal/conservative continuum.
I recognize this and will still support Sestak running against Specter. Pennsylvania isn't Massachusetts or Maryland or Illinois. Pennsylvania recently had a Senator Santorum. Pennsylvania loves Rep Jack Murtha. Anti-choice Bob Casey is well-regarded. That's what you get in Pennsylvania.
You're not a loyal Democrat, Arlen? You're not the 60th vote? Really? Well here's news, Arlen. Apart from that, you're worthless to us. Buh-bye.
I'm good with that.