WASHINGTON -- The pace of layoffs slowed in April when employers cut 539,000 jobs, the fewest in six months. But the unemployment rate climbed to 8.9 percent, the highest since late 1983, as many businesses remain wary of hiring given all the economic uncertainties.
The Labor Department tally released Friday wasn't nearly as deep as the 620,000 job cuts that economists were expecting, and was helped by a burst of government hiring. The rise in the unemployment rate from 8.5 percent in March matched economists' forecasts.
The new report underscored the toll the longest recession since World War II has taken on America's workers and companies. However, the slowdown in layoffs may bolster hopes that the worst of the downturn's hefty job losses are past.
Still, companies will remain cautious in hiring, making it harder for laid-off workers to find new jobs.
http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-unemployment9-2009may09,0,4100182.storyWelcome back to the Reagan years.