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300 dogs dumped on Malaysia islands eat each other

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Coventina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 09:38 AM
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300 dogs dumped on Malaysia islands eat each other

Somehow I missed this story yesterday, so I can't post it in LBN anymore. But I wanted this sad story to be known.

I hate my species sometimes - this is one of those times....


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — More than 300 stray dogs that were dumped on isolated islands turned to cannibalism after weeks of starvation, animal welfare activists said Thursday.

The plight of the dogs cast away by villagers on two small, uninhabited islands off Malaysia's western Selangor state ignited outrage after activists this week released photographs showing dogs eating the carcasses of ones that had died.

Residents of a fishing village on Pulau Ketam, another island off Selangor, caught the dogs last month and took them to the islands covered in mangroves. The villagers said they never intended to be cruel — they believed the dogs could feed on the deserted islands' wildlife — but wanted to rid their island of dogs that defecate on the streets and sometimes bite children.

A team from the Selangor Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals visited one of the islands — Pulau Selat Kering — on Monday and saw several emaciated dogs "crowded and hunched around something — they were hungrily feasting on the remains of another dog," the SPCA said in a statement.

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Mari333 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 09:40 AM
Response to Original message
1. god. poor babies. just, god. i cant take much more of this
i am so sick of cruelty.
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Badgerman Donating Member (378 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 09:56 AM
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2. Do that with people and you get the same result. n/t
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Soylent Brice Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 10:03 AM
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3. shpadoinkle!

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Soylent Brice Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 10:06 AM
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4. so... basically, people literally just threw stray dogs into a boat, ferried them to an island,
and left them. so they didn't have to pick up poop? keeping children safe is one thing, but exile on a deserted island?


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shireen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 10:09 AM
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5. cruelty happens everywhere
even tho' Malaysia is a Muslim country, there are many responsible loving pet-owners. (About 50% + of the country is Muslim, so there's a large minority of mostly Chinese, also Indians. Most Sunnis and Shias consider dogs ritually unclean but Islam teaches that dogs be treated with kindness.) My brother and sister (non-Muslims) who live in Malaysia are total dog nuts, all their dogs are strays and rescues showered with love and very pampered.
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