and i hope so.
my sister, not a wingnut but traditionally republican in her politics, called me after the election and said i thought i'd call and let you crow for a while because i know how happy you must be. and i did, for about 10 minutes, telling her about my faith being restored and how i actually have some hope now and maybe we'll end the wars and start taking care of our citizens and restore the USA's good name around the world and so on, for about 10 minutes, when she said, okay, that's enough.
we laughed. later she forwarded an email asking for opinions - it was such a bunch of shit. i wrote back (to "all") and asked her never to send me crap such as that again. far from it causing hard feelings, the next time we spoke she said, "i didn't say i agreed with it, i just wanted your reaction."
for someone like my sister who may be coming around to the reality of what a disaster the gwbush administration was, and how much of a failure the republican party is generally, it's gotta be hard. not just to acknowledge these facts, but then to be around people who were not taken in by the BS and have to eat crow. i give her credit for at least being a sport about it all. unfortunately i wonder about her, my older brother, and others, how the hell could they have been so willfully ignorant for so long?!