I know the language was pulled out of the bill which allows bush to attack Iran without congress approval . Now one would think that at least the Dems would know the danger of this .
I have called my reps , never got an answer so I don't have a clue whether they listen or not .
I can't get my mind around why they pulled this language other than pressure from AIPAC .
Now with all the posts on this pending April 6th attack and many liberal talks shows bring this up . Hell months ago even Randi was saying we will attack Iran now she thinks not .
All this back and forth bullshit is almost as bad as the lies flowing out of the bush admin .
I do not want anymore war ever , never wanted the one with Afghanistan after 9/11 because wars never solve a thing , we should know this by now , it is obvious we don't .
Now I am hearing that the repugs have a under the radar plan to re-deploy troops and this is all based on elections , if so this is just another reason this political system is nothing more than one sick game .
All I know for certain is this economy is screwed , there are many deaths for nothing , there were trillions wasted on the war machine , there are alot of very wealthy stock holders and corporations and CEO's .
And we have no secure or inspected food sources , human or pets .
We have lost most of our rights and have increased pollution removing regulations , we have no healthcare or other safety nets , we have horrid conditions for vets .
So what do we have , we certainly don't have much to be proud of and we certainly don't have america anylonger , it is just a word left to describe a land mass , that is until we are called the north american trade union , ak corporate america .