There is a word in politics for Senator David Vitter’s newly discovered opposition to President Obama’s FEMA-director, MENDACITY.
It encompasses all of the emotions of the blockage of Craig Fugate nomination to head the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) just weeks before the advent of Hurricane season. It is an expression beyond audacity, beyond reasonableness, beyond belief.
Vitter’s opposition cannot be the simple beast of Washington Partisanship for Fugate served with the distinction as Emergency Preparedness Director under Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, preparing an emergency response through four different Hurricanes.
Fugate is the GOP anti-Brownie.
Vitter’s fellow Republican Senator Mel Martinez (Fla.) was quoted by the Tampa Tribune saying it was “dangerous politics for a Republican from storm-ravaged Louisiana to be holding up the FEMA chief just three weeks before hurricane season starts.”
“‘He needs to be in there,’” Martinez said. “‘Some people utilize (the nominations) process as a way of making a point, or getting attention.’”
Ostensibly the attention Vitter claims that he desires is towards unfunded reconstruction liabilities that FEMA owes from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. However, Vitter’s move will do nothing more than block a worthy nominee well into Hurricane season. At that time, such a nominee might have other things to worry about than the 300 million dollars owed toward Charity Hospital.
He might be a slightly bitter, Vitter.