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YouTube of priest Alberto. Not about church, celibacy. More like John EDWARDS

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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-09-09 12:20 PM
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YouTube of priest Alberto. Not about church, celibacy. More like John EDWARDS
Edited on Sat May-09-09 01:12 PM by UTUSN
It's in Spanish, but anybody can see his attitude and guess what he says. The highlights are that, yes, he IS "in love" with the woman and she with him, that what he finds most appealing about her is "her faith," her devotion to the church and Jesus Christ "like MINE," that he first met her ten years ago and the affair has been going on for two, that she has a fourteen year old kid, that the beach incident took place in February, "it was cold," that it was a deserted beach in North Miami, that he suspected something was up when he heard his name mentioned into a cell phone by the lifeguard, that he "never stopped BEING A MAN under the soutane," that he tried being faithful to the church and Jesus ever since becoming a priest at 18 (not clear that this was his first fling), that there are many ways of being a priest inside or outside of the church, that he is not in "suspended" status as a priest, that he himself asked for a leave of absence.

The interview will play in full, including the resolution of the cliffhanger whether he will leave the church or not, Tuesday at 10 P.M. ET on Univision.

Hookay. Where I get in trouble, as usual, by spouting my opinions instead of being a potted plant:

As always, it's about the hypocrisy, not the sex, not the outing. It is not a debate about the church's claims about celibacy or about the goodness or badness of sex itself.

This fellow, Alberto CUTIE (yep, that's his name, accent on the "e") is prominent in the Cuban Exile community, is born of Cuban Exile parents in Puerto Rico, is being ditched from a t.v. talk show and newspaper column. He is a wingnut of the type of the first couple of Wingnut Cuban Exile generations (not the grandchildren) despite his age, the CIA-B.F.E.E. types.

He has been the pet priest of the entertainment section of the Exiles---Gloria ESTEFAN, her husband, his niece (La Flaca, of El Gordo y La Flaca), Cristina, the whole crowd that got invited to all B.F.E.E. events at the White House. The Miami equivalent of the old Jet Set or EuroTrash. Yes, these people vacation in Dubai, China, ride elephants in India.

It was amazing the day the story broke three days ago that this crowd reacted with outrage that he had been "TRAPPED" and that the church ought to let priests marry JUST FOR HIM, that he is just too cute to put up with any consequences.

And without JUDGING him (really!1), this YouTube is shocking just for his cheekiness. John EDWARDS has shown a BIT more plain SADNESS (if not outright remorse for LYING to many people who TRUSTED him).

But what is more interesting are the cultural facets. Talk about "machismo," this dude struts his "manhood" as an irresistable FORCE, not to be denied. His attitude is basically the cynicism of the Middle Ages (the Decameron), where it is a given that priests and nuns were hot-blooded PLAYERS, and not in the "romantic" sense, but in the flat out seduction sense.

But here are two of my resources: One, the radio wingnut who says Libs ought not to be asking the Catholic church to libralize in all the different ways (celibacy, Choice, women, etc.), that if we want those things we should be Methodists or whatever. The other is a Latino of the down home (not academic) variety. This dude's reaction to Alberto's face and interview was, "Hell, we wouldn't be LEAVING OUR WOMEN with THAT guy!1" Haha, the TRUE FUNCTION of the "celibacy" thing is REVEALED: The macho menfolks need to be out there working and otherwise taking care of business and need for the priests to keep the women busy without being a SEXUAL THREAT!1 Sort of like the eunuchs in a harem!1

The question is the same as in all extra-commitment affairs: If he broke the commitment from before to fool around with (whomever), what makes (whomever) think the breaker will be faithful to (whomever)?!1
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hedgehog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-09-09 12:39 PM
Response to Original message
1. There is so much that is so wrong with this story. If he was born in
1969, that would make him 40 now. So he met this girl when she was 14 and he was 30, then he admits to making a move on her when he was 38 and she was 20. Sorry, in my book she was still jail bait ev3n if he waited that long!

But, apparently he was either a priest of locked into ta seminary at 18. Sorry, but we frown on people getting married that young. He should have been sent out into the world a fe3w more years before being allowed into the priest hood. Given the power that often accompanies the position, we shouldn't be accepting men this young even if celibacy is dropped!
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cali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-09-09 12:42 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I read that she's 35. n/t
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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-09-09 12:45 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. "deserted beach"?!1 Definite passers-by in the pics. Flaunting, wanting to be caught? n/t
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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-09-09 01:10 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Plus, I heard a bit of the Oprah/Elizabeth EDWARDS interview, BLAMING THE WOMAN!1
Mrs EDWARDS said something like, (paraphrasing, closely) "Somebody has WORKED at somethng, something beautiful!1 It's not for somebody out there to come by and TAKE it away!1 Make YOUR OWN thing!1"

Might as well dig my hole deeper. I've never commented about the EDWARDSes, but I don't see Elizabeth's role in the affair and campaign as benign. Once she knew and went on campaigning she was an accessory in the lying, and her answer that he was too good a candidate to deny his being one of the choices in the election doesn't cut it.
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Artie Bucco Donating Member (174 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-09-09 01:14 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Pinches curas.
Eso es lo unico que vengo a decir.
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