Dear First Lady Michelle Obama,
I doubt that this letter will reach you but I truly HOPE that it will.
I have been watching you and your husband since 2004 and I must say that I am thrilled that ya'll are in the White House and I pray to God everyday to keep your family blessed and safe from harm.
I love the fact that you are concentrating on healthy eating, military families, and you are concentrating on how women can juggle their family and careers, and I even LOVE that you have planted a White House Veggie Garden, but even though those are very important issues, they are NOT the most important issues of the day.
I am a normal person that does not have statistics at her finger tips, but I do know that there are MANY homeless people and children living on the streets that are living minute by minute and I wish that you could be able to devote some of your time to those souls.
I was homeless in the 1980s for several months and I can tell you from my experience that it was not fun. Thankfully I did not have children living in my car with me at the time as many homeless people DO NOW as we speak.
You have volunteered at food banks and that is commendable, but I have not yet seen you or President Obama at an actual 'homeless shelter' or 'out on the street' with the homeless.
I urge you to address this issue and bring it to the forefront of the American people.
Americans are WAITING to hear YOU and the President SAY what to do — and if you were to say things such as:
Come on people of the United States of America- This Saturday take food to a food bank and volunteer you time. This Sunday take blankets, clothes, and coats to a homeless shelter for the under clothed. This Monday go to a tent city and help the homeless find work. This Tuesday go to a city street and find a person in need of a roof or medical help. This Wednesday go to a local jail to find a drug addict that needs comfort. This Thursday go to an orphanage and find a child to adopt or to be a foster parent. This Friday come out of your houses and into your streets to see what can be done... Then people would listen and people would begin to do good deeds.
Yes, education is important. Yes, the environment is important. Yes, world peace is important. Yes, the economy is important. And yes health care IS important - But those things are not what is the most important need of Americans that are without a roof over their heads or food in their stomachs.
The issue of 'tent cities' and the homeless must be addressed ASAP and something must be done so that Americans do not continue to starve and die in our streets - under bridges - in doorways - or in their cars which they are calling theirs homes.
We Americans love you and the President, BUT as long as you and your family are living in 'comfort and luxury and security' you must bear in mind that there is a large percentage of people that ARE NOT and we are looking towards you and the President to do something about it.
Respectfully, Leah DiMarco