I live in rural PA, at the top of the famous T, and believe me, the adage of Pittsburgh in the West, Philadelphia in the east, and Alabama in the middle, holds true. I am a school teacher, and it never fails to amaze me how many of my colleagues believe the type of nonsense listed in the article. Logic, facts, and reason, never seem to matter. They believe that Glenn Beck really makes sense, and that the end times are coming. All after a little more than 100 days in office.
When GWB was in office, they felt he could do no wrong. After 2004, though, many saw the light of how W had screwed us over. Their response, stop talking about him, or say, yes, both parties made mistakes. No personal ownership. Many of these people, and again, many of the ones I know are college educated, now believe that the government is going to take us over. Guns will be taken and how will we be able to fight. It's Red Dawn all over again.
It all boils down to belief vs. facts. As one friend of mine responded when I argued with him that people were born gay, "I can't believe that." He didn't say that my facts were incorrect, but he couldn't personally believe that as it went against his belief structure. That is what were are fighting, a mindset, beliefs, and fear. Obama inspires fear in a lot of these people, and it's not because of what he's done, but the fact that if he is successful, these people will find out that the foundation that their beliefs have been built on is shifting sand, and when it crumbles, they will not know how to pick up the pieces.