...because the right wing and their water carriers in the media craft the coverage to make it so. It is really that simple.
As in many other areas of our political discourse, the waters are muddied and the facts are twisted in a conscious effort to frame the debate in ways that keep the general population oblivious to reality and unable to connect the dots about voter disenfranchisement and how it benefits the GOP / monied elites at the expense of the greater population.
The messages from our side have been diluted due to a number of factors, not least of which is that so many Democratic "leaders" have been co-opted themselves so that very few of them deliver messages that are straightforward. Therefore they fail to cut through the BS and just add to the general blather and noise. While the right-wing message is delivered in pithy sound bites, and the fact that it gets so much serious (I use the term loosely, but you know what I mean -- serious-seeming, anyway) coverage in the media, people think that where there's smoke, there's fire.
Again -- this is why I am always hesitant to call the general population "stupid" for the slanted and uninformed views that so many hold. I view them more as victims of propaganda, who still believe that the "news" programs are in general reliable sources of information. Whereas that has not been true for at least the last 30 years. Instead, the mainstream news sources have been taken over by propagandists and that is what is delivered, day in and day out -- in that sense, they are indeed reliable.