The Bush/Wolfowitz/Rove Doctrines were based on delusions of grandeur about Republican America's ability to dominate the world through force and dirty tricks. Just as Karl Rove was aiming for a permanent Republican majority, the Neocons were looking at a permanent US dominance as the only superpower without any true multilateral cooperation.
Colin Powell violated the "if you're not for us, your're against us" tenent of Neocon Republicanism. "Preemption, rather than reaction" summarized the Bush Doctrine. Part of the Bush Doctrine was "you're either for us or against us."
Cheney's preference to Limbaugh's fauning Neocon loyalty reflects the 'black or white' world view that the Bushies lived by. They haven't learned anything.
The Wolfowitz Doctrine detailed in the National Security Strategy Document (National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction) promulgated by the junior Bush's administration, it promoted use of unilateral preemptive force and persuasion rather than honest multi-lateral cooperation.
Most people forget Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln waged an economic war against the South where slavery was something to be contained, not abolished, initially. Emancipation only occurred when black troops were the only way for the North to win the war.
Paul Krugman noted regarding the 'Rove Doctrine':
"For the most distinctive feature of Mr. Rove's modus operandi is not his conservatism; it's his view that the administration should do whatever gives it a political advantage. This includes, of course, exploiting the war on terrorism -- something Mr. Rove has actually boasted about. But it also includes coddling special interests....But it seems to me that it's worse this time -- that we are witnessing a race to the bottom in interest-driven politics, taking us to depths not seen since before the New Deal. "
The Wolfowitz DoctrineThe Republican Charade: Lincoln and His PartyBush DoctrineThe Rove Doctrine