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When the wingnut media does the "Ah do believe ah have the vapors bit" regarding Sykes tomorrow..

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Adenoid_Hynkel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-11-09 01:48 AM
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When the wingnut media does the "Ah do believe ah have the vapors bit" regarding Sykes tomorrow..
Edited on Mon May-11-09 01:49 AM by Adenoid_Hynkel
No need to fetch the smelling shots for them.
Their outrage is canned, as usual.
Some of Limbaugh's greatest hits:

His unmistakable message—that physical harm and even death are cause for celebration when the victims are people who do not share his ideology—has been repeatedly reinforced by his displays of giddy enjoyment over the untimely deaths of environmentalists, as seen in the sickening item about the death of 22-year-old Beth O'Brien which Limbaugh posted on his web page last April 19:
"If a Wacko Falls Out of a Tree—Some tree sitters on the left coast were just days away from ending a three-year perch when one of them slipped and fell. Can you believe the trees around her just stood and watched? They could've at least reached out and saved her, right? . . . So it looks like we've had our first tree suicide bomber, or suicide dropper, as the case may be."


Similarly, when anti-logging activist Judi Bari died of breast cancer in 1997, leaving behind two young daughters, Limbaugh could not contain his glee. The next day, as soon as he finished his opening minute of crowing about himself (did Einstein start each workday like this?), the gloating began.
Accompanied by the sound of a loud buzz saw, Limbaugh's joke was that Ms. Bari, like the trees she tried to protect, "has finally been cut down to size! . . . she'll never be able to bark up the wrong tree again!

In a memorable live performance in Sacramento, Limbaugh evoked laughter from his fans with a smirking "eulogy" for homeless advocate Mitch
Snyder shortly after Snyder's suicide, joking that "Mitch assumed room temperature recently" and "Mitch has finally earned a home."
(if you don't think Indymedia is a valid source, this instance are also logged in David Brock's excellent book, "The Rightwing Noise Machine")
If Rush wants to be treated with dignity and respect, then he has to earn it. He's the one who dragged the national discourse into the gutter, and now his sycophants like Drudge are shocked, they tell you shocked!, at Wanda sykes said.

The GOP said nothing while Rush and Coulter created a cottage industry of bad taste and lack of human decency.

More power to Wanda Sykes for giving the bullies a taste of their own medicine.

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SmileyRose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-11-09 02:01 AM
Response to Original message
1. All I want to know is
has Grandmaster Steele turned gay yet?

Rush told us Barack turned terrorist after simply breathing the same air as William Ayers so I'm fully confident Steele has already started turning gay after breathing Wanda's air.

Rush also told us that Barack agrees 100% with and is exactly like (what's his face - the scary black preacher dude that goddamned America while screaming and flapping his arms) and is proved by the fact Barack didn't get up and leave in protest never to return.

So I'd also like to know did all the Republicans who came to the dinner and sit there without stomping out of the hall in protest think that Rushbo is nothing but an unfunny disgusting joke with no place in public discourse before they got to the dinner, or did they simply hear it from Wanda and realize she's right?
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ColbertWatcher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-11-09 03:25 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Good point about not walking out. n/t
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