First of all, as others have pointed out, I'm not aware that Hedges has changed his position as you insist. I willing to be educated on that subject if you can provide sources.
But, again, this isn't about Hedges (except for you).
So far as the popularity of the oxymoronic "war on terror," yeah, immediately after 9/11 when people were in a state of shock and were being told by a lying media and a criminal government that they knew who was responsible and how they carried it out under the nose of the most sophisticated (and expensive) military and intelligence gathering apparatus in world history, yeah, just about everybody was for it. They weren't all for it because they were all for it. They were all for it because they were shocked, angry, vengeful and being led by the nose via a PNAC/NEOCON cabal that, at the very least, benefitted enormously from the "attack." VERY few people were asking relevant questions (and even now most who are are ridiculed for doing so). Everybody in the administration said Osama did it and that was dutifully parroted by the media in the absence of any significant evidence. Note "">Bush rejects Talaban offer to surrender bin Laden," because the real aim was -- and remains -- to secure that strategic geopolitical area for US oil hegemony. It had nothing to do with the Taliban -- which the US government was for before they were against it. Any more than the reason we invaded Iraq was to prevent its "immanent threat" to the US -- which had been FOR Saddam Hussein until they were against him.
The whole "war on terror" is an excuse, a lie. Period. Oh, yes, no doubt there are real terrorists -- probably more now than ever -- but national security (in the sense of protecting American citizens from the terrorist threat) has NEVER been the interest of the NEOCON junta. If anything, their agenda would benefit from an increased terrorist threat. Their only concern is in "rebuilding America's defences," after "a catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor."
Yeah, popular opinion about this war has changed. And it has changed because more and more people have woken up to the reality that it is a hoax. And I think there is every reason to suspect it was a set-up from the very beginning. 9/11 wasn't an "intelligence failure," it was an intelligence success -- and the Obama administration has inherited the whole boondoggle. One of many left in Bush's wake.