Incredible Shrinking Opposition To Health Care Reform
The big news of the day, obviously, is the health care powwow that’s scheduled to take place today at the White House. Goups once opposed to health care reform — hospitals, drug makers and insurance companies — will stand alongside Obama and announce their commitment to scaling back health care spending in order to help Obama realize reform at long last.
Whatever you think of the industry’s motives, what’s striking here is how marginalized the remaining opponents of reform are right now, how disoriented the GOP opposition is on this front, and how much more likely reform suddenly looks.
Anyway, I thought I’d outsource the job of explaining this to people who know more about the topic than I do:
* Jonathan Cohn says this shows how fractured the opposition to reform has become, and argues that it’s good news, even if the groups are trying to buy some good will to perhaps try and kill a public insurance option later.
* Paul Krugman, a major Obama-skeptic on health care during last year’s campaign, says that the fact that major industry groups are trying to shape rather than block reform is some of the best policy news he’s heard “in a long time.”
* Marc Ambinder says the meeting means the White House will get reform “this year.”
* Ben Smith observes that the meeting is a mark that the argument is no longer over whether there will be reform, but over whether it will include a public option.
Another key thing to watch: The virtual absence of organized Republican opposition to reform, which is dismaying some conservatives. There’s probably no clearer sign of this than that memo by Frank Luntz telling Republicans how to discuss reform by rehashing the same language opponents used in the 1990s, as if nothing has changed since then.