This morning I received the following email from DFA. I'm in PA so I intend to let Specter know how strongly I disagree with his opposition to a public option.
It's begun.
Last Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee started debating healthcare and thanks to your support, we were ready.
Leading up to the Senate meeting, DFA members called their own Senators and Representatives to see where they stand on the public healthcare option. And more than 10,000 activists participated in the emergency briefing with Dr. Dean on the eve of the first Senate committee meeting.
We've only just begun. There is still much more to do.
CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE $50 NOWAs we are building support for a public option, the opposition is working against us. A new right-wing front group, named Conservatives for Patient Rights has launched a million-dollar ad campaign filled with lies and fear to scare Congress out of passing real reform.
And Senators Ben Nelson (NE) and Arlen Specter (PA) already announced their plans to vote against any bill that will grant Americans a choice.
Thanks to you, they can't stop our campaign. DFA has teamed up with MoveOn, True Majority, and CREDO Action to make sure Democrats don't cave to conservative pressure. We're writing letters to the editors of local papers all over the country, contacting our elected officials directly and last week, MoveOn launched an ad supporting a public option to combat the right-wing lies against us.
We'll target wavering Democrats and back up others who are fighting for real reform. Working together, this is a fight we will win.
FUEL OUR CAMPAIGN TO WIN -- CONTRIBUTE $50 TODAYThe campaign is working. Thanks in part to the incredible amount of grassroots pressure felt from phone calls, letters, and citizen lobbying, 7 more Senators including Claire McCaskill of Missouri and Robert Menendez of New Jersey have announced their full support of a public healthcare option.
Last time Democrats tried to reform healthcare they failed in part because the opposition was better organized and no one fought back. Thanks to you, we're not going to let that happen again.
Together, we stand with Dr. Dean in supporting healthcare reform that gives America a choice.
Charles Chamberlain, Political Director
Democracy for America