Trying to begin to establish what the ground level look at the new normal in America might look like.
Hugin just gave me one view:
1. You have a yard sale, hoping to make a few bucks and to sell your extra coffee mugs and least favorite wedding presents still in their boxes which are 7 years new -- and nobody comes to buy.
2. You discover that your 96 Mercury Van finally isn't the worst looking car on the road. With its flat metallic paint, sagging read bumper and two b-b gun pin holes on the front quarter panel actually looks alright parked in front of the CVS because the people parked just beside you have smashed up fron bumpers and side doors, probably from the late February snow storm.
3. You can actually drive through the leafy part of town and not have to keep skirting round the lanscapers' trailers cause they just aren't out doing people's lawns.
3b. You need to pull farther out into the cross street on the leafy side of town to be able to see across the sweet smelling untrimmed privet hedges.
4. You put out a bag of food for the US Postal Worker's food drive and notice one of your neighbors checking out what's in your bag (with a view to cutting out the middle man and lightening the load).
There's lots more I'm sure but I just thought I'd give these a rry. Add any if you've got some. Thanks.