on Wikipedia
-- from boards/mulatto.org
This thread is for us to brainstorm how to improve the "mulatto" definition on wikipedia, and to make sure the improvements stay in the definition Here's some of my thoughts:
1. Make it clear "mulatto" equally means people who are first generation AND multigeneration white/black mixed.
2. Emphasize the "mullawad" etymology of mulatto meaning "mixed' in arabic as at least equal to the "mulo" etymology of meaning mule. I think one anonymous person keeps trying to emphasize the "mulo" etymology and put down the "mullawad" etymology for the sole purpose of trying to harm positive mulatto identity.
3. Make it clear many people in Brazil and other places DO identify as "mulatto". Make it clear many people in America DO consider "mulatto" to be a positive identification label.
4. A bunch of us need to commit to visit the "mulatto" page on wikipedia regularly, make sure it's edited to reflect positive mulatto identity fairly, and to remove unfair, negative edits.
=================on wiki
Here is a very loose outline of items I feel could be included to make the Mulatto article more complete. It's all over the place, really. Please make some suggestions.
The Synopsis could mention:
* That there is more than one functioning definition of the term mulatto, and that the term operates both outside and within the social construct of race. * The root meaning of half mule half donkey. * There are both negative and positive implications.
* The term's origins within the Spanish Empire and where it falls within this social caste system. * The term mulatto was derived from the Arabic Muwallad. With this, the first mulatto's probably existed in or immediately prior to the Moorish Empire since this movement produced many African/Arab offspring; and spilled onto the Iberian Peninsula, of which part of it became Spain. o Since, mulatto has Arab implications, and the sub-Saharan DNA is found throughout the Middle East, even in Iraq - even among the Sunnis, are Iranians, Iraquis, Lebanese, Baharains, etc... distant Muwallads? * Other terms relative to mulatto:
Quote: Originally Posted by "FlowerChild"
Black-- A race label that describes people with sub-saharan African ancestral roots.
White-- A race label that describes people with European ancestral roots.
Mulatto-- General definition: anyone of black and white ancestry.
Muwallad-- The most likely etymological root of the term "mulatto." Arabic for "mixed race." It was used to describe the offspring of African and Arab partners.
First Generation Mulatto-- A Mulatto born to one black parent and one white parent.
Multigenerational Mulatto, MGM-- A Mulatto who has both black and white ancestry, as in the offspring of two mulattos, for example.
Anglo-Mulatto-- Mulattos that are black and Anglo white. Also, Mulattos with black and white heritage that live within the English-speaking Anglosphere, such as Britain, America, Canada and Australia.
Hispanic-Mulatto-- Those Mulattos that are black and Hispanic white, such as Spanish. Hispanic Mulattos make up the majority of Cuba and The Dominican Republic, and significant portions of Brazil, for example.
Mono-Racial-- Identifying as having ancestry of one race.
Bi-Racial-- Identifying as having ancestry of two different races.
Tri-Racial-- Identifying as having ancestry of three races.
Multi-Racial-- Identifying as having ancestry of two or more races.
Eurafican-- A term for those of European and African ancestry.
Afropean-- A term for those of European and African ancestry.
Mixed-- Anyone who is racially mixed.
Mixie-- Anyone who is racially mixed.
One-drop Rule (ODR)-- A concept--once a law--technically called hypodecent--created in the 1830s that said that "one drop of black blood makes you black." Considered by many Mulattos to be a root cause of several of the hurdles a Mulatto faces as he/she moves through society today.
One-droppist-- One who prescribes to the One-drop Rule.
Loving v Virginia-- The landmark case in 1967 when Virginia ruled it unconstitutional to base marriage eligibility on race, and thereby legalized interracial marriage.
Race-- A loose, generalize term used to group certain ethnicities in order to simplify the description of one's multi-ethnic ancestry.
Ethnicity-- Refers to a certain origin and culture…usually tied by national, racial, linguistic and religious heritage, whether or not they reside in their country of origin. Not the same as race, more specific. For example, English, Scandinavian and German are three ethnicities of the white race.
Racial Identity-- How an individual sees themself racially.
Self-Identify-- In this context it refers to racially identifying as you choose, rather than having a racial designation assigned to you by outside individuals, as in the one-drop rule.
Black Identified-- Refers to Mulattos (by definition) that choose to identify as black, has been the historic default due to the ODR.
Phenotype-- A person's physical appearance. Often grouped into racial/ethnic categories.
Middle-phenotype-- Refers to individuals with phenotypes in-between black and white: Mulattos, Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners…
Minority-- Refers to those of a race/social group that are not in the majority population-wise. Presumed to be disadvantaged socially, based on the idea that majority rules.
"Passing"-- "Passing" refers to Mulattos who try to pass for one race or the other, depending on which phenotype they most resemble. This was done especially in slavery times when Mulattos tried to escape slavery. It is the basis of many early movies made about Mulattos--embodying the Tragic Mulatto.
The Tragic Mulatto-- A fictional depiction of the--usually female--Mulatto used in early American movies written by white men in efforts to dissuade interracial relationships and convince the public that there is no place in society for Mulattos. The Tragic Mulatto myth can be seen in movies such as Pinky and Imitating Life. The Tragic Mulatto abandons her black family to pass as white, lives a great life, gets caught, and is banished from white society, only to be unaccepted by both races.
Census-- Referring to the US Census population counter. The census is significant to Mulattos because the Mulatto category was removed in 1930. Since then, Mulattos have been counted as black, with no option of acknowledging both sides of their heritage. There are currently Mulattos working toward the goal of adding a multiracial category on the census in 2010.
The Mulatto Movement-- Refers to the gathering of Mulattos across the world for activist work toward Mulatto rights: the right to self-identify; a multiracial, and ultimately, a Mulatto category on the US census; Mulatto representation--Mulattos representing Mulattos, and to rebuild Mulatto communities, for example.
The Mulatto Belt-- Refers to the areas of the South in Virginia, Louisiana, and DC, for example, where there are large populations of Mulattos.