debt, with only one card with a small limit (that's the way I wanted it). I realize it fucks up my FICO score, excellent payment history notwithstanding, because the score is now more dependent than ever on having many open accounts and using lots of available credit, but fuck that. I'd rather be debt-free and out of the clutches of these vampire sharks than anything else.
That wasn't always the case. Ten years ago I had two cards that had a balance of a few hundred dollars on each. I was laid off from a job and couldn't find another one to save my life, not even a minimum-wage one to tide me over ("overqualified" and all that garbage bullshit, never mind how eager and willing I was to work whenever they needed me) for over ten months, as it was yet another downturn in Ohio, which perpetually suffers from downturns (thank God I'm no longer living in that state!!!!). My child support stopped right at that time, too, since he'd lost his job as well and lived in an even more depressed area. I wasn't eligible for unemployment. I had NO income, but that didn't matter to creditors; neither did my diligent, desperate full-time efforts to secure employment. To them, I was just a lazy deadbeat bum "loafing" all day, never mind that they had a job because I and so many others didn't. I wasn't able to make any payments for months, so that balances that had been only a few hundred dollars ballooned to a few thousand each in penalties, charges and fees by the time I'd secured other employment and was able to make any payments. By then, they'd closed the accounts (fine by me!) and sent it to collections, refusing to even work with me, I had to deal with the agencies. It took a long time, but I eventually paid them both off in full. Then I cut up their offers to send me new cards and restart the accounts, and shredded all other offers I received and swore off credit cards for a long, long time. The only reason I finally got the one card I have now is the need to build up my damned credit score, since timely payments of rent, utilities, cell phones, etc., don't count and the timely car payments I was making wasn't enough, although it was something. So I made it a VERY low limit and pay off what little I charge each month, FICO scoring be damned.
The point is, if you're being crushed by debt, you are NOT free, far from it. And the cc companies are the absolute worst in crushing people, you can't win with them no matter what you do or how good your record is with them and other creditors. Get out from under them and STAY out from under them. Have a cc for emergencies (car repairs, medical bills, etc.), and that's it. The cc companies have asked for this shit by their OWN policies and actions these past couple of decades, especially with giving credit to anyone and anything that moves regardless of risk.