this is a google translation from French, so bear with the bad English
but it shows that the efficiency is astonishing, compared to other "counter-insurgency" operations
NATO has the lowest figures, but the reason is limited legal possibilities of detention
CT 150/151 ( has less adapted forces for that kind of operations
here are the figures :
balance sheet arrests and releases (11 May 2009)
• Arrests ............: 319 people were arrested by naval vessels, crossing the Gulf of Aden, some in flagrante delicto (in the attack) or strong suspicion (further visits on board and discovery of weapons).
• handed over to justice .........: 194 suspects were handed over to judicial authorities or police, usually riparian countries (Yemen, Puntland Somalia, Kenya, Seychelles). Of which 21 have been repatriated to Europe and the USA for trial.
• Release .............. : Over a hundred were not pursued (not arrested) or have been released immediately after arrest, after destruction of the weapons found and boats used to transport.
• Prosecution ... : In December 2008, 11 suspects were quickly released in Yemen after a short instruction (as the Yemeni authorities, they were not pirates but Yemeni fishermen held hostage). In April 2009, 37 pirates were sentenced in Puntland and sentenced to three years in prison. The rest is awaiting prosecution in Kenya, France, Yemen, Seychelles, USA, Netherlands...)
• efficiency rate : 65% (number of suspects brought to trial on the number of suspects arrested)
Casualties (8 May 2009)
Suspects Killed ............: 29 "pirates" or suspects have been killed in clashes with warships.
Suspects Injured ........: 11 wounded.
Balance sheet by type of operation (8 May 2009):
• CTF 150 and 151: 45 arrested, disarmed and released 25, 20 brought to justice, 1 killed.
• EUNAVFOR: 92 arrests, released 14 and disarmed, 78 brought to justice, 0 killed.
• NATO: 36 arrests, released 28 and disarmed, 8 brought to justice, 3 killed.
• Domestic Operations (Russian, India, France, China, ..) or local (Somalia, Yemen, Seychelles): 146 arrests, 102 brought to justice, 25 killed.
Note: Some ships participating in multinational operations resume their national flag for "delivery" of pirates on countries "not approved" or carry out attacks. The statistics for this type of operation is even more uncertain because some data are difficult to obtain (including hackers simply disarmed).
Judicial efficiency (ratio brought to justice/arrests):
• CTF 150 and 151: 44%.
• EUNAVFOR: 84%.
• NATO: 22%.
• Domestic operations : 69%
details here|en&hl=fr&c2coff=1&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools
original link (French)
(shows the recently arrested pirates are turned over to Kenyan authorithies)
the article shows that the picture presented in the media (and blogs) that the pirates are released with a slap on the wrist is completely wrong
it shows too that the casualties among different coalition navies is so far zero, the collateral damage among those forces or hostages is very low (one killed, one wounded) and relatively low among innocent fishermen (nearly all of them killed in a single incident due to a mistake by the Indian Navy)