I've spent all day monitoring DU, something I haven't done since the Primaries. Not because of disinterest or apathy, but because of mental and emotional burnout. Plus, to be honest, my disappointment in Edwards was monumental. Part of me understands what he did, and believes that it has nothing to do with us or his ability to lead. Trying to shove it under the rug, however, is a different story.
Be that as it may, I've liked what I've seen of Obama so far. I haven't been doing the political things, so the recent controversies--I know they existed, but I haven't cared what they are--haven't affected my perspective.
Once I saw Bushco and the Republicans were going down--and I was nearly certain the minute Obama was nominated--I realized I had little to say of value. I sat back and waited for the election to be over, and waited for the administration to settle in.
Again, I think Obama's doing a credible job, given what he's up against. About a quarter of the Dems STILL have their heads up their asses, but at least the Republicans are still reeling like a boxer who's taken fifteen head shots too many. We're just hoping the bell doesn't go off before the end of the round.
It's clear how badly they continue to miss the point. The bare-ass failures of their economic theories and deregulation policies are hanging out there for everyone to see. Fixing their fuck-ups is a long term task and we'll all have something to say about everything that's done in the interim--good or bad.
Should be interesting.