I stopped watching Joe Scarborough`s morning hatefest nearly two months ago but for some strange reason felt compelled to comment on him this morning. Maybe it`s because Dick Cheney has slithered across so many stages lately that I`m reminded of other flag-waving torture fans like Morning Christian Joe.
Morning Joe is kind of an interesting character...a devout, self-proclaimed Christian who likes apple pie, flag pins and waterboarding. There are things he doesn`t like...California Liberals, New England Socialists and government programs that help poor people who should be working harder. Just like Jesus, Christian Joe believes that if everyone made good use of the $200,000 and the twenty-five acres their grandfather left them, they`d be no need for food stamps or safety inspectors. It`s a Rightwing Thing...personal accountability...unless some Republican Office of Special Rules decides you don`t have to testify.
Morning Christian Joe tries to make America believe that he and other Republicans who think exactly like him have church services that are a notch above, families that are a notch above, unrivaled principles and patriotism beyond compare. Joe may be right, but apparently most of those folks were busy while Ninth Ward residents were drowning in their attics and American soldiers were being shipped out on their third tour. Odd how that works.
Seems like someone ought to cobble together a few scorching responses to overused Righwing talking points. If Bush kept us safe, who was in charge on September 11th? New England Socialists? If the federal government did all they could to help hot and thirsty Katrina victims, who was responsible for those idle, parked ice trucks stuck up in Maine? California Liberals? Was it the working poor who decided that warrants weren`t needed to listen into American`s phone conversations? Maybe it was "The Gays" who decided it was A-OK to yank citizen-X off any street in any country and whisk him away to one of several torture chambers. Why didn`t any of these Rightwing Patriots speak out about the boarded-up steel mills or the out-of-business shoe factories? Didn`t any of them object to the cost of the $87.00 bottle of pills their mother had to take? And the global warming debate? Okay. Maybe God did have a Polar-Bear-Drowning Plan. After all...He supported Sarah Palin and look how many dead animals she has in her living room.