There has been so much in the press over the last several years regarding the health of the citizens of America.
We are fat, we eat poorly, we eat fast food, we eat this, we eat that, etc. We are looked upon due to various news cut aways of grossly over weight people as being the lazy ass nation of the world.
They show video of people stuffing their faces with garbage food, bulbous children sucking down sodas with a meal or for breakfast, highlighting their holier than thou attitude that Americans are a lazy, over indulgent wasteful bunch.
Well, that's all well and good but the details in this food monster good much deeper.
Over the past 30 plus years the average American wage has stagnated or decreased via the policies set forth through supply side spending aka trickle down theory aka voodoo economic or more blatantly spending money the US didn't have. This fantasy was set forth all in a hope that the wealthy of this nation would use their ill gotten wealth via tax cuts for the betterment of society, by creating new industries. Instead, it just made them richer and only highlighted something we all knew already: they don't give a shit about the poor.
So as a result, wage suppression.
This dove tails directly into the price of food. No longer were we the agricultural based nation we once were prior to WWII. No longer do we get morning milk deliveries, raise chickens or grow our own food in backyard gardens, we were told time and time again that the government was the problem and deregulation would save us all and free up the corporations to provide us with affordable nutritious foods. So we packed up the 2.5 kids in the station wagons, the SUVS, the car of choice told to us by the marketing experts and off we went to the supermarket to gorge ourselves on instant food.
The problem is, by the 1980's the average American family found it harder and harder to maintain a family under a single income. Both spouses had to work. Oddly, with two incomes, their standard of living didn't increase. Their dollars didn't stretch as far as they once did.
The food manufacturing companies saw this cutting into their profits. People weren't able to buy as much. So the frozen dinners of the 1950's became the fast prepackaged foods of vastly lower quality of the 1980's and beyond. More and more stuffer foods became available. A virtual explosion of crap.
But here is the real problem; people argue back and forth over the issue of obesity in our society, but honestly, why has it increased?
As I have basically spelled it out: low wages plus cheap under nutritious foods. People have to generally eat more to make up for the loss of nutrition. This simple concept is why I believe the rate of obesity in society among the poor has sky rocketed.
But here is the kicker. Food manufacturers had to find a way to make food less expensive. They found it in HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). Aside from it being a sweetener (I'll get back to that in a moment) it works wonderfully as a food preservative. As a result, they put it in everything. So what, in the past, didn't use sugar, now did in the form of HFCS as a preservative but as an added bonus, it added sweetness to the flavor, but it doesn't stop there.
In an excerpt from the article, "How bad for you is high-fructose corn syrup?", from the website "how stuff works", please read the following:
"Unlike glucose, which is metabolized a number of ways by your body, fructose is only metabolized by your liver. When the liver receives more fructose than it can handle, the excess sugars are turned into fats in the form of triglycerides, which are harmful to your arteries and your heart.
There's much to be learned about how our bodies react to fructose, but
researchers do know that fructose doesn't stimulate production of insulin, leptin or ghrelin, all of which play a part in telling the body how much it needs to eat . Without receiving these internal signals to stop eating, it becomes that much easier for us to continue chowing down on that pint of double-chocolate fudge ice cream.The biggest problem is that
HFCS is being added to food items that don't normally have sugar and that you wouldn't even describe as sweet -- crackers, for instance. So, not only are we chugging down lots of sugars with our sodas, but your PBJ sandwich could have HFCS in each of its three ingredients. Meal after meal, day after day, all of this extra sugar adds up, and that, and not necessarily the qualities of HFCS itself, is likely one reason why rates for obesity and diabetes have climbed since the introduction of HFCS. (Other factors are in play as well, such as decreased activity and exercise levels and increased fat consumption.)", I know there will be people on here on DU that will say, "well, I grow my own food", "I buy my food at the farmers market", "I read labels", etc. Fine and dandy, but for the majority of this nation, those people don't. And for the 47 million of us without health care, who also more than likely fall into the poverty or working poor category, can't afford to eat better as much as they would like too, puts them into a vicious cycle of bad health, bad nutrition and suffocating poverty.
Yes, we over indulge, yes we use more energy than any other nation on the planet, yes, we have a false sense of entitlement, but at the end of the day, when all the beans are counted, it's our food that dictates the direction of this nation.
So in summation: our food is cheap because we can't afford better stuff, but the stuff that is now mass produced to feed us, is designed to make us eat more. It's never been about moderation or nutrition, it has always been about about selling more food.
The more we over eat, the more money they make. It's that simple.