yet another example of Ambush Journalism Fox News sent
one of their "Producers" Boston AM Radio guy Ken Pittman challenged Janeane Garofalo over her "Racist Redneck Tea Bagger" comments, and almost manage to make me think she might have had a point.
Now when she made her original comments on Countdown, there were a lot of Democrats - myself included - who thought she'd gone
WAY over the top.This time she gets repeatedly asked if she'd apologize for her comments that "all the tea baggers were redneck racists" - and she just WON'T do it.
I don't agree with the blanket nature of her original statement, but she does manage to turn the interview they're trying to have with her, into an
interview of them - and they kinda FAIL.
This is what happens when you try and ambush a person whose a faster thinker and better at media than YOU are.
Her main point, "Where was all this
outrage while Bush was running record deficits?" Also I'd like to point out again, that the Bailout was Bush's plan, and the AIG bonuses were
his mistake. Most of the massive up-tick in Obama's budget comes from not hiding the cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars anymore. Most of the complaint is about his stimulus plan, which so far, seems to be
working. So where were the Bush=Hitler posters when he started robbing the poor to give to the rich 8 years ago? In fact, where are they now?
These are some of signs she's talking about.
It would be ridiculous to argue that this represents everyone involved, but the problem the Fox guys have is that these aren't a figment of Janeane's imagination, and when you stand next to the guy with the Obama-Hitler sign and refuse - REFUSE - to call him out for it, your silence indicates that you
accept the premise - it means you essentially ENDORSE it.
I'm certain there are and were many people who have legitimate tax concerns who are willing to speak out against this stuff, but all I've heard them say is "I didn't do it!" Yeah, well, that's Not. Good. Enough.
You can't whine about Obama bowing to the Saudi King while you're bowing to the guy with the URKEL poster, by failing to
call them out.Earlier in the program Van Susteren talked to Karl Rove and he spent the one portion of the interview talking about how "Civil and polite" the Republican are and how Mean and Vicious the Democrats are. Yes, Really!
Video of Karl Rove on Greta have an example of a CBS guy saying U.S. soldiers would shoot Nancy Pelosi and strangle Harry reid before taking out Osama Bin Laden. So much for the "Liberal" Media.
Look, again I don't agree with Sykes Kidney comments, but frankly I didn't see many fans of Limbaugh calling HIM out for his vicious LIE that Michael J. Fox was exaggerating his Parkinson's symptoms just to generate sympathy and greater support for Clair McCaskill. Fox had also support Arlen Specter while he was still a Republican so his endorsement was purely based on what he said it was - her support for Parkinson's research - period!
I didn't see many Republicans calling out George Allen for his Racial "Maccaca" slur.
I don't see people except for Colin Powell objecting when Limbaugh says he wants Obama to fail, ignoring the fact that if he fails - America FAILS. And Powell seems to be being repaid be being excommunicated from the Party via Cheney.
That's a real big PUP tent the GOPasauras are pitching these days.
During the Garofalo ambush they accuse her of being "Bigoted Ideologically" of being "Biased Against Conservatives" - a charge which Janeane counters with the fact that the current Republican party bares no resemblance to what Barry Goldwater the "father of Modern Conservatism" actually stood for. A point which is emphasized in more detail by John Dean's Book 'Conservatives without Conscience".
But I think the more interesting assertion is the idea of
Conservatives as a Protected Class. This view explains why Conservatives feel they should have their own form of
Affirmative Action and have a nominal representative everywhere in the media. They certainly act like they're in a perpetual state of
victimhood, but consider this - if someone can be
bigoted ideologically against conservatives then someone can be an anti-Liberal BIGOT too.
If that's true, then they pretty much just proved Janeane's point - because the reason so many people were willing to passively stand-by in solidarity with the element of racists who were there and lend them additional credibility is because they are IDEOLOICAL BIGOTS themselves.
And that's something I completely agree with in the case of pretty much everyone involved in this Tea Party Effort, ideological intolerance isn't really all that much different from being racist itself. Either way it's still bigotry.
After this I feel that Garafalo should apologize when
Anyone from the Tea Partier movement apologizes for those signs or failing that when Limbaugh, Coulter, O'Reilly or Michael Savage apologies for just a
fraction of the anti-Liberal Hate Speech they've spewed over the years.
I would prefer that people generally calmed down and acted in a CIVIL manner with each other but yeah, I know...we're all going to be waiting a long, long time for that to happen.
Update: Here's Janeane's side of the story without Fox editing. More on this from Here.
Video of Janeane with MarcMaron
Now if she could just explain why the hell she's on "24" - watching her get bullied by Jack and into violating FISA against her better judgment, then embarrassed by Chloe and turned into a yipping petty harpy when she finally figures out something Chloe can't is not Zesty.