I started to mail him this letter but thought that it would only end up in the shredder at best, so I thought I would publish it on DU instead for more eyes to look at it.
Dear Senator Baucus:
There is no doubt now after the health reform hearings that you are a for profit health care industry whore. We were suspicious when we saw what you received in campaign contributions but we thought you would have the decency to let representatives of the American people attend the Finance Committee meetings on health care.
Instead the insurance companies, HMOs and Big PhRMA are deciding how to further raid our Treasury. The representatives of the American people, who are advocates for extending a government program for everyone that is already in existence, Medicare, have been shut out. How dare you claim that single payer is off the table? How dare you, a Senator from a state that has more bears, horses and cattle than people, declare that this is what the country wants? You in your rural state do not speak for the country especially the heavily populated states that really need this legislation for their economies to thrive.
You will regret this when election time comes because even the people of your own state of Montana are up in arms about it and all the money the Washington health care lobbyists can throw your way in the next election, probably isn’t going to make a difference in your defeat.
So feel a little better putting my disgust and despair in words. But I really am feeling hopeless about this issue right now.