we are not alone in our disgust.
feb. 11, 2008
The United Nations has once again publicly criticized the White House for defending the use of waterboarding, an interrogation method often described as a form of torture.
Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on torure, says the interrogation technique – where water is poured over a suspect to simulate drowning – is “absolutely unacceptable under international human rights law.”
“This is absolutely unacceptable under international human rights law,” was Novak’s comment after the White House defended the use of waterboarding, saying it’s legal and has saved American lives. “
time has come that the
government will actually acknowledge that they did something wrong and not continue trying to justify what is unjustifiable.”
Novak’s reaction came after CIA Director Michael Hayden yesterday told Congress that three terror suspects were waterboarded in 2002 and 2003, admitting it for the first time. The technique was used on the suspected September
11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and senior al-Qaida leaders Abu Zubaydah and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri.
The technique has since been banned by the CIA and the Pentagon, but the White House says the CIA could use it with the president’s approval.