51 Senators Open To Public Option
by: Chris Bowers
Wed May 13, 2009 at 17:28
It now seems likely that there are enough Senators in support of a public health care option to pass it through the 50-vote reconciliation process. Here are the numbers:
* Forty-three Senators are neither Republicans nor in Evan Bayh's "conservodem" group. None of them have come out in opposition to a public option in the health care reform bill. This includes both Jim Webb and Jon Tester, who often stray from the party on big votes.
* Six members of Evan Bayh's group have indicated they are open to a public option: Tom Carper (DE), Kay Hagan (NC), Mary Landrieu (LA), Glanche Lincoln (AR), Claire McCaskill (MO), and Mark Warner, (VA). That makes 49.
* Arlen Specter, who falls into a class of Senator all his own, has also indicated he is open to a public option. That makes 50.
* Susan Collins is a lone Republican voice who has said the same. She makes 51.
Without the 60-vote option available to Republicans on health care, that makes enough to pass a public option in the health care bill. As such, it could really happen. And it needs to happen, as it is the only real way to keep down health care costs and make health care available to everyone.
Looking back over the past few months, forcing health care reconciliation in the budget blueprint, and the Progressive Caucus taking a hard line on the public option were huge developments. I have complained a lot over the past month that there really isn't much in the way of spending differences between the conservative and progressive movements (for example, in the post below this one), but a public option for health care would be a big deal. It would be the biggest, long-term change in the federal government since Medicare was singed into law in 1965. Remarkably, it is actually within reach right now.