To wit, we can't 'look toward the future' while obtaining justice for past wrongs. I am confused as to why I pay taxes which are intended to pay the salaries of the people in the "Department of Justice"?
I am now in the 'throw ALL THE BUMS OUT' camp.
I live in Michigan; we expect to have 17% unemployment by the end of the summer. We are now a 'blue' state -- governor, senators, and most of our representatives. I want the economy fixed, but I also want the honor and integrity of my country restored. I am able, as a citizen, to pay attention to BOTH ISSUES -- why can't people who are PAID TO DO THIS take care of business?
If torture is now something that can be handled with a wink and a nudge, I want my freaking money back! :mad:
Barring that, I fully advocate for the torture of any American treasonous enough to support the enemies of this country -- to wit, ANY MEMBER OF THE GOVERNMENT, REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT, WHO THOUGHT IT WAS OKAY TO IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION, THE BILL OF RIGHTS, AND WORLD TREATIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE GENEVA CONVENTION.
If the photos are kept under wraps, but arrests are made at the highest levels, I am okay with that.
If this is just another big cover-up (which frankly, is what I have cynically come to expect from the government I supposedly run), then I will remember.
And even if my votes aren't counted correctly, you damn well better believe I will remember for the rest of my life.
This is a defining moment in the history of my country: Can we repair the damage done by the cowardly worms who were in positions of power? Or will we blink, and stand silently while bleeding wounds scab over, and turn into permanent scars???